Chapter 2

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Hey guys! So the first chapter was just to show a little about their relationships with one another.

The next chapter will be better/ longer but it won't really go with the first chapter. like i said before the first one was only to show a glimpse of how they are with each other.

-Ellie :)



I wake up to the sound of all the boys singing...

"Sometimes I go out by myself and look a across the waters..."

I immediately spring out of bed looking down and what im wearing, a tank top with fuzzy hot pink pj shorts and knee high white socks with two thick green stripes at the top. Hah I smilie to myself remembering last night how me and Niall ran around in them. What can I say we both lobe our socks :)

Then I quickly remembered which song was playing! I sprinted down stairs and picked up a huge a wooden spoon, ran into the living room, jumped on the coffee table and started singing with them.

"...And I miss your ginger hair and the way you like to dress..."

They all stopped and looked at me and just shrugged and we all sang together

"... So why don't you come on over Valerie..."

"BEST SONG EVER" yelled Louis

"AGREED" said Zayn


**** 10 mins later*****

Liam: "crap. Guys we are gonna be late to an interview!"

I ran around the room screaming "HAHAHAHAH i don't have to go!"

"Umm hate to break it to ya but this interview is all about you L"said Liam.

"O" I said being kinda embarrassed I could feel my face getting hot.

Then Harry started yelling with Zayn





"You guys suck you know that" I said

" but you know you love us" said Niall with a cheeky grin on his face.

"I love all but harry" I said and with that i walked away.


" I love all but Harry" Said Lilli then winked at me while walking away.

"SHUT UP" I yelled back

We all have such a weird relationship with Lilli There is no way to explain it. She's like my sister but at the same time she's not cause we all think she's really fit. It's complicated.

Although we all love Lilli i think we are the closest, like we pick on each other all the time but then we are always there for each other. It's confusing.

I make my way up the stairs but stop right in front of Lilli's room and see her looking at her phone and blushing so i decide to go look at why.

This should be fun.


I walk up the stairs and my phone strats to buzz so i check it.

I feel myself blushing like crazy the second i read the text. It was from Austin Mahome. We text. A lot. But lately its been getting more flirty. So without even seeing the text i blush.

I think I was staring at the phone for a while cause Harry walked in smirking.

"Well someone got a text" he said smirking.

"Um N-no" I said stuttering. Great know hes gonna wanna check.

He took a huge step closer to me hands behind his back still smirking

"Can I see your phone?" He asked

"No!" I yelled

" why do you care so much" he said

" why do YOU care so much" I asked


"Cause why"

"Cause your like my sister and i wanna know what guy texted you and what he said!" He practically screamed.

I just turned around and stared to run so he would just leave me alone.

Yeah big mistake.


I hear Harry yell "Cause your like my sister and i wanna know what guy texted you and what he said"

Ohh I thought to myself. Now I wanna too. So I walk up the stairs and get Lilli caught in the middle of us both.

"Haha sucks for you" said Harry while laughing

"F you" she said while taking her phone and shoving it down her boobs. Then she started smiling. "Now you can't get it! HA HA HA HA"

"How much do you wanna bet?" I said not sure what i was gonna do.

"What you taking about mate?" Asked Harry.

"Look" I started, the next thing i know Lilli runs off into her room locking it.

" Great. Who do you think texted her? And why is she not letting us see?" Said Harry while we were both walking to our rooms.

"Who knows" I say "Let's just get ready for the interview".




So the next chapter is when they are at the interview!

If you guys have any questions for 'Lilli' then just comment!

I just re-read the chapter and's not too good :/ im really not the best writer. But as the story goes on i will get better!! You see I just gonna go and read A TON of other fanfics so i can learn how to write better :) Soooooo comment good ones! :)

Also don't forget too...





-Ellie :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2013 ⏰

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