Coming of the King

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(A/n: Jr's Rebirth uhh something along those lines I adopted a chapter from GhoostTheManical . So I'm going to use half of the adopted part of this chapter so enjoy my suffering... with future chapters. (T^T). )

The afterlife, such an open ended and vague place that many that didn't grow up in a religious household thought it wasn't real for a considerable amount of time. But considering the situation that graced a certain saurian at the moment, that was quite possibly the last thing he questioned about as he floated in what seemed an endless, black abyss.

The lizard was confused and irritated, to say the least. He remembered wanting to defeat that red beast with the golden horn as a way to prove himself capable of combat to his oftentimes dismissive but kind father. But that arrogant and wish-to-be-complimented mind was what led him to soon meet his fate, quite ironic really.

Especially once he sensed his father's burning hatred for the thing that dropped him from the stratosphere which caused the almost recent memory of his father roaring in pain from what seemed to be red & orange scars all over and the loss of his only offspring. It saddened him as he really cherishes the moments shared between him and his father in the moments where an invader isn't doing their job. But as much as he wanted to mull over it, now's not the time for it, as Junior placate those thoughts back for later to focus on the current circumstance he was in.

Floating, ever so slightly turning in what seemed an endless void. He'd never admit it to anything in particular, but this unnerved him to no end as it reminded him of when he was little of the moments where his "mother" were not present in that solitary confinement he'd remembered being "home".

Looking around, hetried to find some form of an escape, but it didn't bear any fruits unfortunately. Thinking of an dumb way to escape somehow, Junior naively thought an Atomic Blast would do the job somehow. He probably knew it wouldn't work, but better to try before it rots he thought.

"hhhmmm...." a low hum could be heard as Junior was charging up his atomic blast as his dorsal plates glow an eerie blue color that contrast his dark-greenish scales.


He fires it randomly to a random spot. It bore no satisfying result however, as it just beamed across to nothing as it went off to what seems to be an infinitely expanding darkness. Stopping it short so as to not waste further energy, he stops and looks around for any other signs.

Nothing, and so he thought that this is what the humans call the 'afterlife'? Seems boring and maddening to a certain extent, wonder why some made such a big deal out of it.

But his and soon to be thoughts were stopped as a small bulb of light approached him out of seemingly nowhere as it began to circle around him, almost as if it's curious of Junior. The saurian kept his calm but very well hidden nervousness as he watched the light seemingly circle him forever, until it stopped right in front of him.

As a moment of pure silence prevail between them, Junior does what any sane monster would do and simply try to eat it. This amounted to nothing as it simply passed through him like it wasn't even affected by his attempt of a gnash. But it would soon react to his action, albeit, in a manner he didn't expected.

It spoke.

"Now, now, no need to bite me Junior. " a soothing, almost melodic female voice called out to the saurian, breaking the silence and making him give a look of seeming recognition.

Junior opened his maw in surprise and hissed out a surprised growl as he recognized the voice belonging to a certain moth-like goddess.
Though Mothra was a kind individual as he saw her in an almost motherly spotlight whenever he got the chance to meet her, it sort confused him and his brain to meet her here at all places considering the circumstances beforehand.

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