Dan tries to convince Chris to help him out

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Dan: Chris, you gotta help me!

Chris: *sigh* With what?

Chris looks like he is completely fed up with Dan's revenge missions.

Dan: Well there's this new girl in town.. I shouldn't even call her a girl. It's a robot.

Chris: A robot? Really? I bet she can't talk.

Dan: NO! She's completely conscious. She even had the audacity to tell me that I should kill myself.

Chris: Dan.. it's not that serious, stop wasting your time on worthless things.

Dan looks like a burning stove, he really wants Chris to help him.

Dan: WORTHLESS!? They are meaningful! That stupid robot girl needs to learn manners!

Chris: What's her name? I feel like I saw a robot on the streets the other day.

Dan: Man I don't know! I'm not an extroverted person like you. Just help me out man!

Chris: I'll think about it..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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