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Elianoros moved from Italy to The United States of America when he was five years old. He didn't want to, but it wasn't like he had a choice. Since then, he has never left the state of California. He finished school, went to university, partied, lived life.

Elianoros also gained the nickname - Elias. They said that his name is "too long, foreign". So now, he always goes by it.

1983, May 15th

Elias walked through the streets of Los Angeles. You couldn't say that people didn't have their eyes on him. He looked Asian, but at the same time, he looked more... not. Well, he is Italian and Chinese, so their accusations weren't wrong.

He had layered, chestnut brown hair. Almond-shaped brown eyes, and tan skin. Elias' features were on the soft side, giving him a 'cute' look.

While he was in a daze, someone bumped into his shoulder, so harshly, that he even stumbled back. He furrows his brows and turns to the one who pushed him back. The man was already looking at him, and Elias' eyes widened when he saw what was in front of him.

The person was very attractive, dark red hair which was dyed. Their face had very defined features and those deep blue eyes, it was almost as if they enchanted him, he couldn't tear his eyes away.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you." He spoke to Elias. His heart fluttered at the sound of his voice.

Everything about him is... perfect. It's almost as if he isn't human.

The mans eyes narrowed at him. "Are you free? You're really my type." He said, with a shy voice, while avoiding Elias' eyes. He scratched the back of his neck with his right hand.

"Um.." Elias pauses. "Sure." He answers, a soft blush visible on his cheeks. 

Ever since that encounter, Noah and Elias started going out. They both adored each other, and even started living together at some point. 

1985, May 16th

Elias and Noah were going out on a date, because the red-haired one persisted to do so. Elias didn't know where, it's supposed to be  a 'surprise'. 

Elias' eyes were covered by Noah's hand while they walked through a field. Then, the hand slowly moved from his face. Elias was greeted by a beautiful sight. They were in a field of daisies, and the sunset looked perfect from this place. They were below an oak tree, which was so large, that it probably had been there for at least a few hundred years.

He turned back to Noah, smiles present on both of their faces.

"I have something to tell you." Noah tells him, and Elias grows worried, because his lovers gaze grew distant.

Elias hummed, as if he was saying to tell him. Noah sighs. "I'm not... human. I am a fae."

For a split second the brown-haired boys heart stopped, but he is quick to assume that his lover is just playing a joke on him.

"Yeah yeah, and I'm a mountain god." One of his brows is raised, and he has a playful look on his face.

"I'm not joking." Noah says. Then, he begins to tell him about Faerie. How beautiful it is there, all of the types of animals, and plants, how you could see a deer, but in the form of a human, and no one would question it. How norms were different there and no one would judge if there were two men together. He tells Elias about how fae do not age, and can't die from old age. Then he starts telling him about how he wants to return to Faerie, but with Elias. How they could be happy together, and that he wouldn't age either. But one problem, was that he could never return to the human world.

Elias was.. stumped. He wanted to experience all of that, but never returning to the human world again? That's... difficult. He stayed silent, thinking all of it over. But, being foolish, he accepts, wanting to live happily with Noah - the love of his life. Noah took Elias' hand, and they both started walking towards the tree. Elias glanced at him, and suddenly nervousness pooled in his stomach. He had a smile on his face, but it was like he was... plotting something. Noah's grip tightened, and Elias flinched.

Then, they started running towards the tree. Elias was prepared for the pain from the impact, but he felt nothing. He opened his eyes and it was the same field, but it was... night?

Elias turned around to look at his lover, who was now behind him. Elias felt his legs weaken. Noah... wasn't Noah. His skin was a green-ish hue, his hair was messy, and black, he didn't have one of his eyes, and his clothes were all ripped up. He also held a bat in his hand.

"...Noah?" Elias whispers as his eyes fill with tears. Then the creature swings his weapon at his head, and he was immediately knocked out. 

Since then, everything has been a blur for him, it was like the creature gave him something to be in this state. From what Elias is aware, he has been experimenting on his body. He was fed potions, his body was being carved. He was also stuck in a stone dungeon where it is practically pitch black. He didn't know what his goal was, but he wanted to die.

He managed to regain consiousness once. Through his blurry vision, he saw how the creature took a knife and started carving something on his chest, he felt little to no pain, however, when the creature took a vial of something and poured it on the wound, his eyes shot open, he started spasming, his whole body was shaking, and it was like he was turning into something. He felt aware, the pain was excruciating. The green-skinned thing held him down.

Elias felt his teeth ache, his eyes hurt, something was wrong with his head, or hair, or something. His body hurt. Everything was killing him, something was sprouting from his back. He thought that surely, this is the end. 

He had lost consiousness once again. 

Once he awoke, his body felt more powerful, something was on his back, his fingertips felt a little heavier, and god, his eyes hurt. Weirdly, he also felt bare. Once he opened his eyes, the dungeon that was once pitch-black, was now bright. Elias also noticed that the creature was sitting on a chair infront of him.

With new found strength, he stood up, glaring at the thing infront of him.

"My beautiful specimen... I have finally completed you. A fae, that was originally a human... Never seen before."

It was like Elias saw red. His brows furrowed, and he grabbed onto it's head and tore it off.

He then walked to the exit, bare, no clothes. Once he finally exited, he saw that it is night. A forest was present in front of him. His feet moved on their own and he walked towards it. After what seemed like ages, he stumbled across another person. Dark hair, brown eyes, and black horns. His build was large, and he was tall. Two bodyguards were next to him.

As they noticed me, all of them got into a fighting stance.

"Who are you?" The horned man asked.

"Elianoros Cassano." Elias answered.

"Why are you... bare?" 

And Elias' mouth couldn't lie, but he hadn't realised it yet. He started telling him about what happened to him, everything that he could remember, at least. The man stayed silent, and proposed him a deal, for shelter, and a better life. Elias offered his loyalty, and now he will become a spy, for the eldest prince of Elfhame. 

Once he was brought over to the hidden palace, that was in the middle of the forest, he was escorted to his room, as he was still... nude.

Once he looked in the mirror, he found that his features had drastically changed. His previously brown hair was now long and a silver color. His eyes were a golden color, and the pupils were slit. Elias' soft features were now sharp, and his tan skin was pale. He had also noticed that his fingernails were long and sharp. His ears now resembled elf ones.

Elias' chest had a tattoo. Atleast it looked like one. A crescent moon with a butterfly, both the color of blood. Nothing of these changes compared to the fact that he had large white wings. He had been wondering why he felt so heavy. 

He shouldn't have trusted Noah.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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