Husk POV
I rubbed my eyes, my claws catching on the bottom lid. "There's no need. You don't have a poker face to save your life. It was obvious from the moment you picked up your cards that I had won." I explained gruffly. Did this idiot really believe he could win? You don't walk into the largest casino in hell, challenge the owner to Texas Hold'em and seriously expect to walk home with a jackpot. "I'm expecting my reward. It seems that you owe..."
I paused to add up his debt in my mind, but was interrupted. "10 bucks." He said heavily, as if he could scare me into thinking he wasn't lying.
"Bullshit. Yeah, 10,000,000." His eyes widened in fear. "If you can't afford to repay by the end of the week, then I'll charge 50% interest."
"It's not my fault if you gamble with money you don't have." I rolled my eyes and snapped my fingers, two hellhound security guards dragged the screaming man outside.
Leaning back in my seat and messaging the bridge of my nose, a large shadow blocked the light in front of me.
"Hello, Husker~"
Damn it. This bitch is back. "What do you want, Val?" I spoke in a tone telling him I wasn't interested in the slightest.
"May we speak in your oficina? I have important business I would like to discuss~"
Groaning, I rose to my feet and gestured for him to follow me. Bringing him into my office, I slammed the door shut. "Now tell me, what the fuck do you want, Valentino?"
He slithered his way into one of my seats and took a puff of his cigarette. "I have... a preposition~"
"Just get on with it, ass hat." I rolled my eyes and coughed into my hand. I'm normally fine with smokes, but his weird red shit... I don't know, whatever.
"Let's... gamble~ If I win, my colleagues and I get to use your little business whenever we what, however we want. No questions asked~"
I raised my thick red eyebrows at this. Was he serious? Yeah, right. "So what if I win?" I spat out, bargainer's instinct kicking in.
He sighed. "How about... my best money maker?~" When he saw my confused face, he continued. "Angel, dear~"
A tall but minuscule light pink fluffy spider demon stepped out from behind him, and somehow I hadn't noticed her. She was just downright gorgeous and I couldn't help the blush creeping on my face. I quickly shook it off however. She had a smoky red chain around her neck, and an extremely skimpy, sparkly dress that split all the way to her thong line. She had a boob window in the front that revealed a heart shape on her fur. Her makeup was apparent, but looked so perfect on her, pink eyeshadow up to her eyebrows, top lip was stained so black it looked almost natural, and she had the cutest little fuchsia freckles right under her eyes.
"This little thing here is Angel Dust. I'm sure you've heard of him~" Him? This stunning spider was a man? While I was surprised, I didn't dare say a word about it. "Hell's most famous porn star and 'street worker'~"
"Excuse me?!" I shouted, not expecting that. Poor Angel Dust couldn't even hold eye contact hearing my reaction. "The hell would I do with a porn star?!"
The fluffy face in front of me fell, as he tried to say something, the vile moth man cut him off. "Oh please. He'll do anything for a couple bucks and some hard drugs~"
I raised an eyebrow but decided it was best not to question.
"Fine. I'll take you on. What are we playing?"
"What about some simple Black Jack? A classic is it not~? Single game."
"Fine." Picking up my radio, I tuned into my employees private channel. "Hansel. Get the fuck in here."
Soon after, one of my workers, a sinner demon with vibrant red hair, sharp teeth, and blacked out eyes, entered the office. I had hired zem from cannibal town, so zie had the same murderous aura as zir friends. "Sir." Zie nodded to me and faced the other two, eyes widening apparently recognizing them.
Explaining our arrangement, Hansel began to deal.
I was dealt the nines of spades and diamonds. An 18. Not at all a bad deal, however, I saw the reflection in the moth's glasses. He had the Jack of clubs and the eight of spades. He had a 19. That meant that I had to hit. Knocking my knuckle on the desk, I was given the three of hearts. I had won.
Revealing our hands, he jumped out of his seat screaming and cursing me. Angel Dust stood frozen in his corner. He looked as if in disbelief. Seeing this, Hansel and I shared a glance and smirked at each other.
The smoky reddish colored chain around the spider's neck was replaced by a solid golden one that lead back to my hand. I pulled him in my direction then let it dissipate. Snaking an arm around his tiny waist, I looked at the furious pimp. Getting the message, my lovely employee forcefully escorted him out.
Turning red and letting go, I struggled to speak. "S-so Angel Dust... I uhm..."
Looking at me eye to eye for the first time, he spoke. He had a Texan dialect, but a New York accent. "Just Angel works fine, pussycat~" he winked at me and I went red.
"Some ground rules then: 1. No flirting with me or your coworkers, other than that, I don't give shit who's pants you crawl into. 2. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."
His jaw dropped. I'm not quite sure why though. Did Val have different rules or something?
"Follow me. I'll take you to your room."
"Really~? This is moving fast for the man that owns my soul~"
I froze mid step. What did he say? I owned his soul? Wait... I did. I do. He was mine. Not in a sexy way like Angel was thinking, but yeah. I owned him now.
Trying to cover my racing thoughts I spat out "What did I say about flirting." He only groaned in response, and I lead him the rest of the way to his room. "You better fucking sleep well, because tomorrow's a big day. We'll get all of your stuff and things in by then."
"Night, daddy~!" I slammed the door in his face and walked off to my own room quickly. Fuck that guy. Val might as well take him back.

Different Addictions: HuskerDust Overlord AU
FanficI know, I know. These are everywhere now, but I figured I might as well try it right? No extra summary really needed since everyone knows the general concept between these stories, but I will try to make mine as unique as I can. Anyway, hope you lik...