Rayne Ames

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Yuri stood beneath the sprawling branches of the oak tree, her heart a tumult of emotions as the sun dipped low on the horizon. Memories of Rayne lingered in the golden light, each leaf whispering his name in the gentle breeze.

As she turned to leave, her mind drifted back to the days of their youth, when promises were made beneath the shade of the same oak tree. They had vowed to marry each other, their laughter echoing through the park as they dreamed of a future together.


A young Yuri and Rayne sat beneath the oak tree, their laughter mingling with the rustle of leaves. "I promise to marry you one day, Rayne," Yuri declared, her eyes shining with innocence and hope.

Rayne's smile mirrored hers as he took her hand in his. "I promise too, Yuri," he replied, his voice filled with sincerity. "We'll always be together."

But their idyllic moment was interrupted by Yuri's mother calling her name from a distance. Reluctantly, Yuri bid Rayne farewell, promising to return the next day for another afternoon of adventures.

As Yuri waited beneath the oak tree the following day, her heart filled with anticipation. But as the hours passed and Rayne failed to appear, doubt began to creep into her mind.

Day after day, Yuri returned to their meeting spot, her heart heavy with disappointment as Rayne remained absent. She waited and hoped, her faith in their promise wavering with each passing moment.


Their reunion beneath the oak tree carried the weight of years of separation and unanswered questions. As Yuri looked into Rayne's eyes, she felt the need to share her pain, to lay bare the wounds that had festered in the depths of her heart.

"I waited for you, Rayne," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "Every day, I came back to this tree, hoping that you would come running towards me like you did today. But you never came, and each day, a piece of my heart broke a little more."

Rayne's gaze softened with understanding as he listened to her words, his own heart heavy with regret. "Yuri," he began, his voice filled with sincerity. "I'm sorry for the pain I caused you. There were circumstances beyond my control, but I never stopped loving you. From the moment I met you, I knew that you were the one."

Yuri's heart swelled with emotion as she absorbed his confession, the weight of years of doubt and longing lifting from her shoulders. "Rayne," she whispered, her voice filled with love and forgiveness. "I love you, and I've always loved you. Nothing can change that."

And as they held each other close beneath the oak tree, their hearts entwined in a bond that transcended time and space, they knew that their love was a force stronger than any obstacle, a beacon of hope guiding them towards a future filled with promise and possibility.

Srry this was in my drafts and I forgot I wrote this when mashel manga came out and rayne appeared so like this was my first ever oneshot I wrote I tried to make it blend with the song so yeah hope you enjoyed and if you did please vote

540 words.

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