dares (thansk to Anikeawhitbagpipes)

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Thanks to:Anikeawithbagpipes

Saturn:"Oh? Give jupiter a teddy bear?,well i think i can do it!" He then asks one of his moons to help him make a teddy bear,since he's too big to make one,when there done making it he goes to give it to jupiter

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Saturn:"Oh? Give jupiter a teddy bear?,well i think i can do it!" He then asks one of his moons to help him make a teddy bear,since he's too big to make one,when there done making it he goes to give it to jupiter.

Saturn:"hey jupiter! I wanted to give you this!"


Deimos:slowly evily smiles((bro tf u gonna do-)) "HEY PHOBOS! COME HERE!" He then gets a bucket whit paint (he stole it from ur@nus) he then hides it and waits for phobos to come

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Deimos:slowly evily smiles((bro tf u gonna do-)) "HEY PHOBOS! COME HERE!" He then gets a bucket whit paint (he stole it from ur@nus) he then hides it and waits for phobos to come

Phobos:"what did you want?-" a bucket of paint then falls on him  "...DEIMOS!!!!!"

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