Neptune angst💥

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(Neptune's pov)

I was going trough the kuiper belt looking for my moons,i could find triton,but the others..the more we search for them the more i feel anxious..but triton noticed it..

but triton noticed it

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"Good for nothing...worthless...useless...scaredy cat...absent dad..." these words kept repeating itselves for what about 50 minutes now...and...i cant deal whit these voices anymore...

i cant deal whit these voices anymore

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The only thing i could do was cry,i count hold it back..i've had been bulding up these tears for years,and now im finally able to let it all go....1000 years of lonelyness...that really messed whit my head huh?...especially after i met "it"...t#3 !r!$...i hope to not meet it again..

(Triton's pov

We were walking(?) Trough the kuiper belt for about a hour...i then noticed that neptune looked strange...he wasant happy or looking dumb...he was..anxious? After some minutes he started crying,i tried to calm him down but...he seemed calm,but the tears wount stop? Why was he crying but was calm? Did he bult up tears for all those years?...he then..hugged me?(pretend they can-)

(This is a draft,i will post the rest later,btw-i have a twitter account named "homicidal_child2

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(This is a draft,i will post the rest later,btw-i have a twitter account named "homicidal_child2.0" since my othet account got banned due to me not being 13-)

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