Good Man Follow Orders

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Matthew 6:22: "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are Good, your whole body will be full of light.

Matthew 6:23: "But if your eyes are Evil, your whole body will be full of....Darkness"


21 November,1945

Nuremberg Trials.

"Bring in the next defendant."

A man walk in with his hand are cuffed,his black hair fused with the black worker suit type.

He had two prosthetic leg as he walk slowly forward.

His head put down as he keep walking to the bar and stand on there.

The court start to get noisy as some give him a little bit of pity.

Some give him cursed and criticize what he did,though they don't know it yet.

But most of them were silent,they only use those eyes.

Judging him as the Judge start to use the hammer to keep everyone silent.

"SILENT !!!!!"

The courtroom silent as they begin the trial.

"Alright...Mr.Friedrick Bauer is our defendant today,He will be judged to see if he's guilty or not."

"Now what Mr.Friedrick do is listed right here.
So Mr.Friedrick have transport around thousands Jews people here,are we right here Mr.Friedrick ?"

"You're right....Your Honor...."

"And now do you have anything to defend yourself.Mr.Friedrick ?"

"......All I ever wanted was to contribute even a slight effort for the country Your Honer...Good man follow orders Your Honor...."

"Ok and were you aware of where you where taking the people that you transported ?"

"...I had a vague Idea sir...I know they were prisoners but I never know what was going to happen....I had my orders and I've to follow it....Good man Follow orders Your Honor...."

"And you never once asked about your orders ? Who these people were ? Where you were taking them and why ?"

"Your honor...I did asking question...but what I get back was a laugh....a mock that I'm just a worker and I've to keep doing orders...they said I've to do anything to keep the train go there on time...."

"Did you ever consider why the carriages were always full on the way there but always empty on the way back ?"


"Mr.Friedrick ?"

"I'm always around those coal-powered engines all day....every day Your Honor...I know the smell coal make when it burn when I was a kid....I knew that the smoke at that place isn't coal....."

"As a kid you say ?"

"My father used to work as a coal-whipper at the I knew the smell Your Honor..."

"Ok....and you took thousand of people there everyday....for a year and a half ?"

"Those were my orders,Your honor...If I didn't follow them....I would've been dead too...not just me but my whole family as well...."

"So you valued your life and your family over the lives of the countless innocent people you carried to their death ?"

".....Your Honor ?"

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