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Tw: Panic attack; Mentions of abuse


I was hurrying through the forest trying not to get to Bunker 9 before I collapsed from lack oxygen. I managed to get inside before I collapsed against the door. I pressed my hand against my chest trying to catch my breath. I hadn't had a panic attack in a long time but there are still somethings that trigger them. Most of my panic attacks were triggered by someone moving to fast to close to me. I always get scarred that someone no matter who it is I always get scarred they are going to hit me.

 My breathing wasn't getting any better I pressed my head against the wall trying to focus on the tile beneath my head. It didn't work. I heard the door open and someone call my name but I couldn't tell who. I heard footsteps rushing toward me. I was only half aware of a girl laying me down on my back and I felt air start rushing back into my lungs. I sat up groggily and came face to face with Kita Black. I had no idea why she was here but I was insanely grateful she showed up when she did. 

I tried to form the words to thank her but I couldn't speak very well due to the tears still running down my face. Kita was a very scary very dark brooding girl. She was maybe a year older than me and she was a daughter of Hades. I finally managed to form the words but they weren't exactly what I had wanted to say. "What are you doing here?"


I was in the dining hall talking to Nico who was staring at the Hephaestus table sadly. I didn't want to say anything and make him to uncomfortable. All of a sudden I heard a scream I spun around and pulled out my sword Skia which meant shadow in Greek. All I saw was Leo Valdez sprinting out of the room as fast as he could being the amazing sister I was I ran after him so I could asure Nico he was ok. I chased him all the way to Bunker 9. When I got inside Leo was pressed against the wall with a hand on his chest.

I rushed over to him and kelt beside him. I layed him down on his back which should open up his airways. He seemed to have caught his breath now because he sat up and leaned back against the wall. He looked like hew wanted to say something but he couldn't form the words. He finally manged to say something. "What are you doing here?" He asked me. I had to think for a minute so I wouldn't give away Nico's secret. "Ummm, I uhh saw you run out so I followed you incase of drama." I said satisfied with my answer. 

Leo just looked at me unimpressed. I was trying to think of a better excuse when Leo started coughing really badly. I looked at him worriedly that's when I realized he was so incredibly pale for a latino. I quickly stood up and put wrapped my arm around Leo hoisting him up with me. I walked as quickly as I could while lugging around a latino elf. I took the backpay to the infirmary because I figured Leo didn't want people to see him like this. I took him straight to Will and then I went to go find Nico.


After Kita ran out after who ever screamed I was left alone in the Dinning hall. Which let me tell you it is very awkward to sit there by yourself so I left. I walked to the training arena to get some sword practice in. I was working on using my left hand incase my right hand ever got hurt when Kita came sprinting into the arena. She looked around wildly and her eyes finally landed on me. She darted towards me and grabbed my arm trying to drag me to Zeus knows where but I pulled away.

"Kita what's wrong are you ok?" I asked her. "You have to come to the infirmary quick." She said a little out of breath. I looked at her curiously but the desperate look on her face told me I should probably go with her. As we jogged toward the infirmary I was so busy thinking of why I was needed at the infirmary that I ran straight into the door. I looked up at Kita sheepishly who just rolled her eyes and walked inside. I scrambled up to follow her. Once we got inside I walked over to where Kita was talking to Will.

"Hey, so what did you need me for?" I asked Kita. She moved aside and I saw an incredibly pale boy who looked a lot like Leo. Then I realized that it was Leo and I felt really stupid. I knelt down beside the latino and created my hand on top of his. It was as cold as ice. I stood up and turned to Will. "What's wrong with him?" I asked trying to keep my voice as neutral as I could. I don't think it worked because Will put a ginger hand on my shoulder and gave me a look of understanding which confused the hell out of me. "He'll be fine Nico don't worry he just had a lack of oxygen from having a panic attack." Will said trying to reassure me. I looked at him shocked.

Leo having a panic attack I was so confused he seemed like the least likely person to have mental health issues. Will and Kita left me alone with the sleeping elf so I decided to sit in the chair beside his bed and wait till he woke up. I must have fallen asleep because I felt a hand on my leg and I opened my eyes to see Leo looking back at me. "Why are you here?" he asked obviously nervous of why I was here. "Because Kita came and got me from the arena to come see you so I stayed." I told him. It was the truth but it wasn't the whole truth.

"Oh." was all Leo said as he looked down at his lap. We sat in silence for a good 10 minutes before I finally spoke. "I lied." I said. Leo looked up confused as Hades. "I meant I didn't tell you the exact truth earlier. Kita did come and get me but I stayed because I was worried andIreallylikeyou." I rushed out. He looked at me and smiled I was almost surprised he had caught what I said. "I like you to Nico." he said. I smiled and leaned over and kissed him. Of course my amazing sister Kita had to ruin the moment by screaming "GET A ROOM!!" and throwing a pillow at us.

(A/N I hope y'all like it and I'm sorry for not posting in a while)

Daughter of Hades

-Kita <3

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