Chapter 52

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So Gu Yang really just wrapped himself in a bedsheet and went downstairs. He wrapped the sheet around his body, creating an Indian style look, and went downstairs with a disheveled appearance and a serious face.

Downstairs, Fan Yuan was making breakfast and had not yet come out.

Gu Yang walked to the kitchen door and saw the now shrunken Fan Yuan reaching up for the cupboard.

Unfortunately, his height had also shrunk quite a bit, and even tiptoeing couldn’t reach it.

Gu Yang’s eyes lit up. Wasn’t this the perfect opportunity to show off his manliness?

He immediately walked in, imitating the look from a TV drama, and pressed his hand on the table next to Fan Yuan, trapping Fan Yuan between him and the table with a “wall slam”.

Fan Yuan turned his head and saw Gu Yang standing behind him wrapped in a messy bed sheet. Thinking he looked handsome, he reached up to open the cabinet.

“What do you want? Do you want this older brother to get it for you?”

Fan Yuan looked away and ignored Gu Yang’s banter, “Grab the Sugar.”

Gu Yang handed the sugar to Fan Yuan and said, “Here you go, no need to thank this older brother.”

Fan Yuan took it and sprinkled sugar on Gu Yang’s fried egg, then sprinkled salt on his own fried egg, and carried both plates of breakfast out.

Watching Fan Yuan’s shrunken back, Gu Yang immediately followed him out.

Fan Yuan placed breakfast in front of Gu Yang and didn’t immediately sit down, instead he lowered his gaze to inspect the bedsheets on Gu Yang’s body.

Suddenly, he spoke up: “Gu Yang, do you have special hobbies?”

Gu Yang had just picked up a perfectly-shaped fried egg with his fork, but Fan Yuan’s question caught him off guard.

“What special hobbies?”

Fan Yuan lifted his chin, indicating the Indian-style bedsheets wrapped around him.

“For example, not liking to wear clothes?”

Gu Yang put down the fried egg in his hand and pulled the bedsheets on his body, causing his long hair hanging behind him to slide to the front, which looked especially beautiful on his skin. His face slowly turned slightly red as he avoided Fan Yuan’s focused gaze and tried to defend himself:

“Not really, it’s just more convenient like this… Anyway, except for you, no one can see me at home.”

Fan Yuan sat across from Gu Yang and began to eat breakfast as usual.

“Is that so? Not wearing clothes in front of me today doesn’t matter, is that what you mean?”

Gu Yang felt a little danger instinctively from Fan Yuan’s question and immediately shook his head vigorously.

“How could that be! Absolutely not! You are still the most amazing Fan Yuan even if you become smaller!”

“Zila,” the sound of a knife cutting through a plate came as Fan Yuan cut the sausage in the plate in half, picked up one half with his fork and put it into Gu Yang’s plate.

“Eat well.”

Gu Yang trembled all over and looked at Fan Yuan’s childish face. He honestly lowered his head and ate his meal, no longer daring to fool around.

The two of them ate breakfast in silence until Fan Yuan finally spoke up after they finished their meal.

“Gu Yang, I called Teacher Zhuo this morning. She has time today. You should wear a hat and go to school to take the makeup exam yourself. Don’t delay anymore and don’t cause trouble for Teacher Zhuo.”

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