Chapter 36: Frozen Lake

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"

❄️Frozen Lake❄️


The engine, somewhat can be heard with my anxious hearing. The vibrations I felt across the soft seat and the window as I lean on, felt like blending my mind with all things I would worry for. They are mixing homogeneously to the point that I cannot think one at a time.

I quickly took out my phone. The first person I thought to text was obvious. Given the reasons: why would I text Rijo when he's right beside me with his eyes closed? He might look like a fallen angel with his remarkable jawline but this time not; and why would I try to text Sage? He'll be like 'it's only a freaking dream' and then try to make the conversation about something as 'let's get coffee.'

[ "I had a very weird dream." ] I clicked sent to Noah.

[ "Why, is it wet?" ] he replied immediately.

My eyes were horrified as too my whole face. I will pretend that I did not get what he was trying to convey and that I was only shocked for no reason.

[ "It is not. I dreamt about something in the past...or I guess." ]

[ "Isn't that normal?" ] he commented.

[ "That I dreamt of having a super loving boyfriend? Who just gave me flowers and tell me the most poetic confession amongst my reads?" ] I typed and pressed send as if defending celebrities about their scandals in social media.

[ "Oooh, it is wet" ]

His next replies placed irritation on my face, forcing my brows to meet. I can even see my disgusted face from the dimmed screen of my phone.

[ "And it felt so real. REALLY real. Like there's still a trace of a panda hugging my body; I still feel the soft tingly." ]

[ "Did you just use semi-colon on a casual convo? 😟" ] he diverged from the topic again.

[ "Not the point." ]

[ "and you put periods!?!? 😟" ]

[ "Can we go back to the topic?" ]

[ "okay so, lucid? like a lucid dream idk and panda hugging? you mean your super duper loving imagined bf?" ]

Before I even start to write a reply, the bus hit a large bump and made most of the people to wake, including Rijo. He just opened his eyes with little reaction as if he'd just awoken to a reality show. He placed his attention to me and noticed him noticing me holding my phone.

"Morning...?" the only thing I could say.

"You too," he beamed. After he attended his mind on the surroundings, I slowly immerse myself on messages.

[ "It's real. I just feel and know it's real and that it happened." ]

[ "so you're not only oblivious but also delusional?" ]

[ "Nuh-uh, you didn't just tell me that." ]

[ "texted you that*" ] he corrected me as if he wasn't the one to be corrected over and over again.

[ "It's the same. Anyway, I want to tell you something." ]

[ "What is it, panda hugger?" ]

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