[WARNING: This chapter includes blood, some gore, physical abuse, and a character dealing with S.A.]

At the gate of the forest, I do not tremble. The metal bars of the gate are practically in shambles, broken and crooked like the tables at my school. A faint fog accumulates above the ground, hugging the strange, scarlet evergreen trees. There seems to be no life in the forest-- not even the hoots of owls. Everything is quiet.

     Maybe a little too quiet. . .

I flinch so hard I almost fall over. What was that? Are there wolves in there? I’ve never heard that there’s wolves in the Crimson Groves.

I shake my head. I’m probably just imagining things. There can’t be wolves. And if there is, well . . .

I ain’t afraid to survive.

     I take a firm step into the gate, making sure my ankles don’t wobble.

     The only sound I can hear is green needles crunching beneath my feet. The silence around me make it seem louder than it actually is.

     A strange, sweet smell wafts towards my nostrils. It’s so strong I start to feel a bit dizzy, but I shake my head and try my best to ignore it.

     The trees tower above me, casting miniscule grins onto the shadowy floor. I realize my sandwich is still in my hand, kinda soggy now, and I take a small bite.
I kinda don’t want to eat it, but at the same time, it’s so good. Maybe it would distract me from the overwhelming smell around me. I take another bite of the sandwich.

     I smile, savoring each bite of tuna.

     Some crumbs fall out of my hand but I don’t really care. I walk ahead, focusing on my sandwich rather than the darkness of the forest. I focus on what really matters: finding Jay.

     A small smile grows on my face as I pass more trunks. I see little red mushrooms are sprouting against the roots, smiling up at me. I see small frogs leaping around, silent as the forest, not even croaking. They jump into a nearby pond, where it doesn’t even make a splashing sound.

     Strange forest, I muse to myself.

     I look up, seeing the mist clear, revealing the tops of the trees faintly covering the expanse of indigo. Tiny glittering stars speckle across the sky.

     Is this forest really so bad? It seems so calming, despite what everyone says. . .

     I keep on walking, starting to enjoy the dark of the forest. I eat less of my sandwich, taking in the beauty of the night. The fireflies appear, swarming around me and then the trees, floating over the ponds.

     A large smile grows on my face as I take another bite of my sandwich. I could stay here forever. If Jay did get lost in here, no wonder he hasn’t come back. It’s quite pleasant.
I look ahead, swaying gently to the breeze. I see a clearing in the distance, where the trees open up to reveal a steep-looking cliff. A moon hangs above, smiling gentle light below.

     I nearly gasp when I see a silhouette standing in the distance, at the edge of the cliff. I could see his wings folded neatly against his back, his messy hair blowing in the wind.

“Jay?” I cry. He turns to look at me with his stormy gray eyes, which are hard to see in this time of night. “Jay!” I start running to him, dropping my sandwich, and reach out to him. I expect to wrap my arms around him  . . .

Only to feel him disappear into a wisp of the night.

     Of course it isn’t real, of course I’m losing my mind.
I haven’t seen him in so long . . .

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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