Part 3

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Jungkook pov
I'm so excited to go to the hideout and see Taehyung. I can't believe they are letting me join the Mafia. I must have made a good impression. I got up at 4am and I laid in bed until 4:30 and I freshened up and changed.

I'm so excited to see him

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I'm so excited to see him. I went downstairs and made some ramen and ate. I got my stuff and I left and went to the hideout and they let me in.
Yoongi;Your early good
Thanks um where is he
Yoongi:Who Taehyung
I nodded and bit my lip.
Yoongi:He's busy right now
Aw ok. I pouted a little and he chuckled.
Yoongi:Are you sure this is what you want
Huh yes of course
Yoongi; Really you have no alternative motives
Huh like what i don't want to hurt anyone or get you arrested
Yoongi:That's not what I meant
Yoongi; Nothing
Oh ok so what do I do
Yoongi:Well Taehyung is going to train you himself
I gasped and giggled and bit my lip.
Yoongi;Yes and I don't know what you are planning but you are going to need to focus
I will I promise
Yoongi; We'll see about that
After a bit he brought me outside and Taehyung came out.

He looked so handsome I looked down blushing

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He looked so handsome I looked down blushing.
Tae:So I assume yoongi told you that I'm training you
He did what are you doing to do to me wait I..i meant that what are you going have me do
Tae;I'm going to train you to fight
F..Fight oh ok
Tae:What did you think you'd be doing
I don't know well I'm ready
Tae:Good so I'm going to have you try to take me down
Oh ok easy. I tried to hit him but he quickly grabbed me and I squealed and blushed.
Tae: You don't know a thing about fighting do you
So what. He shook his head and he showed me what to do and I tried it but I couldn't focus with him touching me.
Tae:God focus Jungkook stop checking me out and focus
Huh I..I wasn't doing that no way
Tae;Sure you weren't and you look cute doing that but you need to learn so you can protect yourself
Ok I'm sorry I'll focus
I finally tried to focus and I picked up on what he was teaching me.
Tae:Good quick learner you are
T..Thank you
Tae:So you really have no alternative motives huh
What are you talking about
Tae: Maybe like trying to get in here for different purposes
Like what
Tae:Now time to teach you how to use a gun
A..A gun
Tae:Yes it's for your protection
He got out a gun and he handed one to me and I looked at him scared.
Do I have to
Tae; It's alright
He grabbed it and he showed me how to old it and shoot it and I was too scared to do it.
Tae:Its like this
He went behind me and he showed me how to put my hands and I bit my lip scared and he leaned in and whispered in my ear.
Tae: It's alright Darling
He helped me pull the trigger and I whimpered. He then took the gun away and he put it down.
Tae: It's ok love we're done now ok
Ok I'm sorry
Tae:Don't be it's ok I just wanted you to know in case of emergency
Ok Tae
Tae:Tae cute that's enough for one day darling come back tomorrow same time ok
Ok can I have your number for um emergency purposes. I cleared my throat and looked down.
Tae;Cute hand me your phone
I did and he put it in my phone.
Tae;There rest up ok
Ok Tae thank you. After a while I left and went home and jumped around in my room excited that I got his number. I wonder why they keep asking me if I have any different motives. Do they know no they couldn't of because I've been very secretive. I'm so excited to see him again.

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