Part 5

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Jungkook Pov
I'm so happy Taehyung feels the same for me and we are together now. I guess I was super obvious that I liked him but it worked out. And we are going on a date today after he's done working and I'm so excited. He is really straightforward and hot I like it. After a while I finally freshened up and changed excited.

I made sure my hair was ready for the date and I went downstairs to the kitchen and made some breakfast

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I made sure my hair was ready for the date and I went downstairs to the kitchen and made some breakfast. After I was done eating I immediately texted him.
Me;Hi Tae
Hot Daddy:Did you sleep well my pretty boy
Me;I did I really like that name
Hot Daddy:Oh pretty boy?
Hot Daddy:Well good because you are my pretty boy
Me:I am
Hot Daddy:Did you eat yet
Me:I did don't worry
Hot Daddy:Good I'll pick you up at 5 ok
Me:Ok and it's ok if your late because of work
Hot Daddy: Darling I'm never late
Me;Oh ok Tae I'm excited
Hot Daddy:I'm sure you are now I want you to be a good boy and dress up pretty
Me;I will I'm already in my outfit
Hot Daddy: Already
Me:I was excited I can change
Hot Daddy:No it's cute and I bet it's beautiful like you
Me;I bet yours will be hot like you hehe
Hot Daddy:Oh it will be I have to go now
Me;Oh ok I'll see you later Tae
Hot Daddy:Bye pretty boy 😘
He stopped texting and I giggled. I'm so excited. I sat on the couch and watched some TV until 5 and I heard a knock on the door and I ran to it and opened it and saw him.

Tae: Ready to go my pretty boyI am Tae do I look okTae:You look beautiful loveWe went to the car and he drove to a nice restaurant and we went in together and sat down next to each other

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Tae: Ready to go my pretty boy
I am Tae do I look ok
Tae:You look beautiful love
We went to the car and he drove to a nice restaurant and we went in together and sat down next to each other.
Tae: Get whatever you want darling don't worry about the price ok
Ok Tae
Tae:Do you mind if I smoke love
Oh it's ok Tae
Tae:Thank you pretty boy
He took out his cigar and lit it and started smoking it.
Will you get in trouble
Tae: Trouble?
He chuckled and pulled me close to him by my waist.
Tae:This is my country darling I own it and everything in it I even have most of the government allies with me and working for me I can do whatever I want
Oh ok Tae
Tae:Don't worry your pretty little head about anything ok
Ok I'm really happy you felt the same for me
Tae;How couldn't I darling
Did work go ok
Tae;It did my million dollar shipment came
Oh really good how much money do you have
Tae: Honesty it's in the billions now I don't remember the exact number
Wow you have so much
Tae;I do and that's plenty to spoil my pretty boy with
I giggled and looked down blushing.
Tae; You are too cute
Thank you
Tae:Now order what you want love
A burger please
Tae: Burger of course love
We both ordered the same thing and after a while 2 servers threw it on the table and they walked away arguing and he looked at me.
Tae:What the hell was that
I don't know
Tae:Well at least we're here in love
He winked and I giggled.
We are Tae. We ate and talked and after we were done we left the restaurant and walked and got some ice cream.
Tae: You know I'm thinking of already making you mine officially
Really I'd love that
Tae; Well then would you be willing to let me be your boyfriend
Yes I'd love that
Tae:Good I'll never let you go
He kissed me and I giggled and blushed a little.
After the date was over he took me home and I hugged him.
Thank you so much
Tae:Of course my pretty boy I'll treat you well I promise
I know you will. I said goodbye and I went into the house and squealed happily that he is finally my boyfriend.

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