Night Terror

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Ralph woke up in a cold sweat, laying in one of the shelters he had to rebuild with Simon due to the wind that day. Unfortunately, the wind didn't stop as the sun set and the moon rose and shone all across the island. They still havent been rescued after what felt like months, years maybe.

He would usually share the said shelter with Simon, or if one of the littluns were scared, Simon would bring it in with him. Simon mainly took care of them because Piggy wasn't good with the littluns, and would just help with meetings along with Ralph. But tonight he woke up alone, and cold. Simon was probably up and about doing something in the forest again, but what did he know as chief?

He rolled over from his side to his back and stared at the top of the leaf and stick-made shelter. He couldn't remember what nightmare that made him wake up in such a way, but he knew it was frightening.
The crunching of the sand made noise under his feet, his dumb spear dragging behind. Jack’s body couldn't sleep, but he was tired all at the same time. Whenever Jack was like this he would take a shore walk, then walk back to his shelter and finally sleep with the rest of his hunters. Sometimes when he would get too close to the wet sand, the sea would wash up on his feet, washing off the face paint on his ankles and lower legs.

He was starting to walk past the other side of the island, the ‘shelter boys’, he called it. Roger and Maurice called them the ‘fire boys’ because it was always their number 1 priority. Jack thought it was stupid, Ralph thought not. Henry just called the other side gay and left it at that. He called everyone gay, it was weird.

As Jack was passing the shelters, he saw everybody in them laying down. Piggy laying down, SamnEric laying down, some littluns laying down… he saw a blonde sitting up looking at the ocean, Jack wasn't in front of the said shelter yet, but off to the side. He stopped walking and looked for a minute before finally sticking his spear in the sand and just watching, seeing if the lonely blonde would notice him just standing to the side.
Ralph was looking out of the opening of the shelter, looking out to the sea. The sea at night was just as beautiful as it was in the daytime. The moonlight shone down on it, making it light up and shimmer, while the stars in the sky made it sparkle like sequin. It was like the sky’s reflection onto the sea, it was amazing how it was able to do that.

But Ralph felt like he wasn't alone anymore, and Simon wasnt back. He started looking around his peripherals, nothing. He peeked his head out of the shelter like a turtle and was met with a shadowy figure. A breath was caught in his throat for a second before he could make out what it was, Jack.

“What are you doing up? It's still dark, Ralph.”

“No reason, just… something stupid.”

In all honesty, it was stupid. Someone his age having a nightmare? Dumb., that's for littluns. Or, that's what Ralph thought for some reason. His brown eyes focused between the sea and Jack’s just as shiny, periwinkle eyes, switching between the two.

“Well, what is ‘so stupid’ that you won't tell me?”

Jack approached closer, this time finally coming into frame so Ralph could see him better. His once wavy, orange flaming colored hair was ruffled and dirty by being in the trees and laying on the ground every day. That and forgetting to rinse it at least in the bathing pool. He also for some reason kept his black choir cap, none of the other hunters nor Simon did, guess it’s just an ego thing. His freckled face was covered up by pigs blood and white clay, along with his body. His face paint was odd, but his patterns were a choice he made to do. The only freckles you could see on his body anymore was halfway up his arms and what he did not cover on his legs, for it was just more pig's blood. It was gross. The rest of the hunters were the same, blood and clay. Sometimes he would be able to convince Jack to wash up before bed, and it was nice to see a clean freckled slate.  But before he would always pitch a fit about ‘wasting face paint’ before doing so. At least the only thing that didn't get covered up were those eyes, those beautiful eyes that while did look mean, wouldn't fit on anyone else’s face. Only his. They suited Jack amazingly.

Jack sat down in front of the shelter opening, face to face with the chief. He was bored and awake, so he had nothing else better to do. Ralph spoke quietly, as if it was a secret.

“I- um… it’s nothing important.”

“Uh huh, yeah. I don't believe you, I'm not leaving until you tell me.”

“You cheeky arse.”

“At your service.”

Ralph rolled his eyes, but it was probably too  dark to see so it was no use anyways.

“Whatever. If you must know,”

Ralph paused, something in his mind made him stop. He thought this was stupid, telling Jack he had a stupid nightmare. Now, Simon would understand because he and Simon were besties and had alike minds. But with Jack, he didn't know.

Meanwhile, Jack raised a brow. He was wondering why Ralph stopped talking. He's always had a little soft spot for Ralph, in a weird way. Whenever they would fight, his way of apologizing to Ralph would either sit with him quietly or back off for a while and not do anything stupid.

“You good, why did you go quiet?”

Jack scooted closer to the entrance, almost letting his tall self in.

“Oh, it's just a dumb reason why I'm up, I had a bad dream. That was all.”

“That's what I waited all this  time for, you  could've told me sooner, Ralph.”

“Nightmares are for babies, Jack. Last time I checked, I'm not one of the littluns.”

“Still, anybody can have them. You can't just think bad about that. Not just the littluns get nightmares.”


Jack scoffed with a ‘move’ and made his way into the shelter, taking off his black choir cap and laying on his side. Ralph was still sitting criss-cross applesauce, so he just shifted to face the ginger.

“What are you doing?”

“Keeping you company, like I do.”

“Sometimes your freckled arse gives me a migraine.”

“And sometimes people are rendered  speechless by my charisma.”

Ralph sighed and laid down, he was tired. He faced Jack, it was only fair that he did. He couldn't lie, it was comforting with someone here, and with Simon god knows where, Jack being here wasn't that bad. It was cool. He scooted closer as he felt a rough hand on his back.

“Your hand better not have any face paint on it.”
Simon  climbed out of the woods, he was done manifesting in his little bush hideout playing with the night creatures and watching the moon flowers bloom in the moonlight. He had a little flower with him that he was planning to stick on the shelter he and Ralph sleep in.

He arrived back at the said shelter and put the little flower on the outside of the shelter wall, the right wall to be specific. He went to go inside and was met to have had his spot taken by the giraffe that was Jack. Simon frowned. He knew that sometimes shelters get packed, but this beast needed his own place. And he was stinky, not that the rest of them smelled amazing.

What he did find was odd, Jack and Ralph were entangled with each other, sleeping. Simon never saw or thought the two would ever even get that close  friendship wise, or that they had a friendship considering they fight all the time.

Simon laid down next to Jack, or Jack’s painted back because he was between Simon and Ralph. He wasn't so upset, it was just that he couldnt starfish in peace so he just went to bed and let the two fags sleep, him as well sleeping.
[THE END] [1,410 words]

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