Beach Episode yay

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Maurice parked in one of the spots near the beach, Roger in the passenger seat. It may not have looked like it, but Roger was excited to be at the beach, he just has a resting bitch face that is never gonna come off. Maurice turned to look at him once he turned off the car.

“Ya know, you can smile sometimes. I thought you liked the beach”

“I do like the beach, I just don’t wanna smile. But I am excited, Maurice.”

Rogers' face looked like you said a slur in the most unfunny joke ever, but he was feeling the quite opposite. For such a depressing guy, he liked the beachy ocean. It’s always surprising to the island boys, who were now island men. 

Maurice got outside of the car and looked at his phone, texting Ralph to see when his little group of him, Jack and Simon will show up. Meanwhile, Roger was trying to get his surfboard out of the backseat. It was white with a navy blue stripe down the middle, with very much wax on the bottom of it. He usually didn’t use it for its actual purpose and would just either paddle or sit on it in the sea. It was entertaining to just sit on his board on the sea, watching other people on the sand, he says. Maurice never understood why, but that was because he was scared of the deep end, but he would get in the water, unlike Piggy. Piggy couldn’t swim on account of his asthma,  so he couldn’t come.

Finally, after a whopping 5 minutes of  standing in the stupid sun with an umbrella tucked under his arm, Maurice saw Ralph’s car pull up. Jack was driving as always, for Ralph liked being the passenger princess whenever the three had to go somewhere. Simon always got stuck being in the backseat, but he didn't mind from what he and Roger could tell.

Simon got out of the backseat and trotted to the trunk, grabbing a beat up cooler, all while Maurice and his emo bitch made their way to the other car. Finally, Jack got out of the driver's side, along with Ralph from the passenger. The car locked with a beep as Roger realized he forgot to lock their own car. He quickly did so by hitting the button on the car keys, almost attacking his husband as he turned with his surfboard.

Simon waved at the two, pulling up his purse that fell off his shoulder. Ralph also did. Jack was too busy trying to tie his hair up because it was hot outside and he didn’t want to sweat his neck off, but he couldn't get all of his wavy ginger hair in his hands. He backed up into Ralph as a way to ask for help.

“Hey, help me.”

“What happened to ‘please’?”

Jack sighed, his hands still gripping his hair above his head.


“Yuh.” Ralph put Jack’s hair up for him.

When it was a little shorter, he was able to do it himself,  but then it got longer and more bigger so he wasn’t able  to do it as swiftly and needed Ralph or Simon’s help. Simon kind of had his hands full so Ralph did it. Jack now looked like he had a big pom pom on his head, which somehow Ralph and Simon found attractive. But it was honestly quite silly.

They finally moved towards the sand, Simon leading the way happily with the cooler. They found an area and planted their spots, kind of being in a line. From left to right; Jack, Ralph, Simon, Maurice then Roger. Maurice and Roger shared a big towel while the three had separate ones, which were fine. Before sitting down, Maurice rammed the umbrella into the sand between the middle of the five of them, keeping most of them shade. Jack was still dying in the heat and forgot to bring sunscreen, so he was gonna have a great time. At least he brought his dumb dollar store sunglasses, which he was not rocking at all, and that he stole while in college. Ralph thought they looked stupid, whereas Simon was trying to stand up for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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