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July 8, 1998
Travis and Taylor are 8 and turning nine this year. Austin is already 11 and Jason is turning 11 in November. They are at the swifts house btw.

The two families are having their annual weekly cookout. Scott and Ed are grilling burgers and hotdogs. Andrea and Donna are just chatting. Jason and Austin are throwing a football back and forth to each other. And Travis and Taylor are laying on the grass talking about their future. "I just want to be the biggest singer anyone has ever known." Taylor says with a slight lisp as her two front teeth aren't quite grown in yet. "I think you will! You sing really well!" Travis said happily. He always seemed happier when he was with Taylor. "Thanks for saying that!"

"They're so annoying." Austin says. "Tell me about it." Jason replies. "All Taylor ever talks about is Travis. It's like she's in love with him." Austin says rolling his eyes. "It's the same with Travis. He never shuts up about her." They continue throwing the ball. "Dude, you've got a good arm. You could get to the NFL." Austin says. "That's the dream."

"I really want to be a football star!" Travis says excited. "Ooh what team would you play for?" Taylor replies. "The Browns! 1000%!!" Travis says. "Well I'll go to all of your games! I promise!!" They lock their pinkies.

The moms are watching them and smiling. "They are so cute Andrea." Donna says. "They are. Taylor adores Travis." "It's the same with Travis. He is always asking when can he play with Taylor." The moms continue their conversation. The dad's are discussing which one will confess their love first. Taylor or Travis.

"Dude you know what we should do?" Jason asks. "What?" Austin replies. "When Taylor leaves we should get Travis over here and throw the ball at him." Jason says slightly laughing. "We should!" Austin says laughing. They are both going through a phase where they don't hate their siblings but enjoy picking on them.

Taylor gets up from the grass. "I'm going to the bathroom." She says. "Ok!! Ill be right here." Travis says. Taylor skips into the house. Travis lies their looking at the clouds. "Hey Trav!" Jason yells. Travis flips on his stomach to look at him. "You wanna throw the ball around with us." Travis gasps. Jason never wants to play with him. "Yeah!!" He says very excited. He runs over. Donna smiles. Her kids are finally getting along again. They throw the ball a few times. Then Jason puts his plan into action. He throws the ball aiming right for Travis' head. It hits him right in the face and Travis falls to the ground. He starts to cry. "Oh my god Travis!" Donna yells rushing to her baby boy. Ed walks over. "Jason Daniel Kelce! What did you do!" He yells. "Sorry dad! It was an accident!" He says. "Are you sure? Because you don't just 'accidently' hit your brother in the head. Taylor walks back into the backyard. "Travis!" She yells as she sees the commotion. She runs over to him. "Ok! It was on purpose! But Austin was also in on it." Jason says. "Dude!!" Austin yells. "Austin Kingsley!!" Andrea yells walking over. "You know better!" Scott has left the grill and is walking over to see what happened. Travis removed his hands from his face. Donna gasped. "Oh dear!" She said. Travis' nose was bleeding. A lot. His mother took him inside to get to the bathroom. Before Taylor followed she looked at both of the older children. "Why are you guys so mean to him!" She screamed before going into her house. A few stray tears fell onto her face. Jason just rolled his eyes. "Young man! I am tired of seeing you roll your eyes and bully your brother. You are grounded next week!" Ed ordered. Jason scoffed. "Whatever."

"There you go honey. All better." Donna said smiling at her son. Travis slightly smiled through the tears. He didn't understand why his brother was so mean to him. "Well I'll leave you two to talk if you want some quiet but the food is almost finished so don't stay to long." Donna said as she left. "Why are they so mean to us." Travis said starting to cry again. "I don't know. I used to be so close with Austin but now it seems like he doesn't like me anymore." Taylor said sadly. "It's the same with Jason." Travis said crying. Taylor pulled him into a long hug. She knew he loved her hugs. He always said they were warm and comforting. The two 8 year olds never understood why their older siblings didn't like them. They all used to be so close. But as Jason and Austin got older they drifted apart. Once Taylor felt Travis calm down she pulled away from the hug and grabbed his hand. They ran out to the backyard just in time for food. Everything was better again. They all felt like one happy family.

Ok so this is my new book about Taylor and Travis!! If you didn't catch on this is set in a different universe where Travis and Taylor have known each other their whole life. Jason is still two years older but I made Austin the same age as him. It just felt right. I've had this idea for a while and I'm very excited to share this with you! Anyways have a great day!!

we were both young when I first saw you (Tayvis AU)Where stories live. Discover now