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Oct. 13, 2002
Travis just turned 13 and Taylor is still 12 but turning 13 in December. It's also around lunch time when this is taking place.

It was a beautiful Sunday. Jason and Austin were at the Kelce's house watching the Browns game. It was very sunny out despite it being October. Travis and Taylor were on their weekend walk. Every Saturday and Sunday they go on a walk to this small park to lay on the grass and just talk. Travis thinks he's starting to like Taylor. Not just as his best friend but he constantly thinks about kissing her and is always slightly nervous when he's around her. Taylor feels the same. But they are both terrified of ruining their friendship. Taylor always writes songs for Travis and sings them when they go on their walks. Travis loves it. He loves her. Now they're just laying in the grass talking. Taylor's hand brushes against Travis'. She feels this spark between the two of them. She tenses up a little. Travis noticed. "What's wrong?" He asked gently. "Uh nothing." Taylor said with a deep breath. "Well there are kids bullying me at school because I like country music and I want to be a singer." She says with tears rolling down her cheeks. Travis turned his head. He grabbed her hand to try and comfort her. She turned and looked at him. They stared deeply into each others eyes. Travis got slightly closer to her. Taylor saw this and sat up extremely fast. Travis sat up too. He was scared he had messed up badly. Taylor got up. "Um..I'm sorry but..I'm gonna go." Taylor said before walking away. Silent tears fell down Travis' face. He has ruined everything.

Taylor walked into her house trying her hardest not to cry. "Oh hi sweetie! What's going on?" Andrea asked. Scott was sitting in the living room watching the football game. "Nothing." Taylor said with slight tone. She went up to her room and shut the door. She laid on her bed and just cried. Why do I feel like this? Why did I run away? Does he like me? Should he like me? A million thoughts were in her head. She didn't know what to do.

Travis walks into the house clearly crying. He tries to cover it up and go to his room. Jason turns to him. "Woah Trav are you ok?" Jason asked confused. Everyone turned their heads. "Yeah I'm fine!" Travis said with a lot of tone. "Hey! Watch your tone son!" Ed said loudly. Travis rolled his eyes and went to his room. He slammed the door. "Travis Michael!" Ed yelled. "Leave it Ed!" Donna said. Travis laid on his stomach and cried into his pillow. He probably just lost his best friend. He will never get her back. Why am I so stupid! Those 5 words repeated in his head over and over again.

Suddenly he heard the phone in the living room ringing. "Travis! It's Taylor!" His mom yelled. He wiped his tears and walked out of his room. He grabbed the phone from his mom and put it up to his ear. "Hi Tay." He said. "Meet me outside. Now. I want to talk." She said with power in her voice. Oh god. He thought. "Okay." He said and hung up. He put on his shoes and walked out. Taylor stood at her doorstep looking at him. They walked to their usual spot. Again. Except this time the walk was filled with awkward silence. They sit down on the grass. Neither of them know what to say. Travis speaks up. "I'm sorry about earlier but I really like you and I don't want you to feel pressured or anything but I want to have a stronger relationship with you or something I don't really know what to say but-" "I like you too." Taylor says stopping Travis' rambling. He wasn't the best with words so sometimes he would just go on and on without knowing what exactly he's saying. "You do?" He asks. "Yes. But I don't want to start dating now. It feels too early. So do you think we could just stay friends until I'm ready?" She says. "Yeah. That's okay." Travis says with very little disappointment. Taylor smiles. They continue to talk like nothing happened. When she's ready I'll be right there waiting for her. Travis thought to himself.

Oh my god this chapter has been sitting in my drafts for ever and I had no idea on how to end it but yeah. It might not be the best but it works. Also it may or may not be 2 am as I'm writing this but that doesn't matter. Sorry for not updating it's just a lot has been happening and I also have had no motivation whatsoever so yeah. Here's a quick life update since I need to tell someone.

So my mom's car got broken into on Wednesday night. Basically heres how we found out. So we live in an apartment and I was walking home from the bus stop and when I entered our complex on Thursday I saw her license and registration papers on top of our mailbox. I asked my mom about it and we went downstairs to check. She grabbed the papers and told me to go into the parking lot and check if her car was unlocked. I did and when I went to see what happened I saw that her driver side backseat window was broken. Like the whole window was gone and glass was everywhere. I ran and told my mom and we both went back upstairs. She grabbed her keys and a hoodie and went to check it out herself. When she got back she called her insurance and non emergency. We went outside to pick up the trash in her car because her glove box had been emptied out. And anything that needed to be taken inside. Basically the damage was a broken window, her driver side front door key hole was on the ground, her ignition key hole looked like a screwdriver had beaten it to shit, and the windshield wiper controller was hanging off of the steering column. Idk if you know what that means but yeah. So now my mom has to get her car fixed and has a rental.

Sorry about this little story but I just have to tell someone else other than my mom, my BSF, my brother, my dad, and my stepmom. Anyways I hope you guys have a great day. I'm hoping to get the rest of my books updated this weekend so be on the lookout for new chapters lmao.

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