Days Off- Chapter 2

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HULLO !! This again is sfw (the whole series is btw) but there are some minor content warnings I'm going to mention just to be safe :3

Content Warning: Husk trying to use alcohol as medication, and shoplifting.

"Thanks asshole." Husk sarcastically thanked as he reached for the half empty booze bottle on the ground.

Angel reaches over and snatches it from the ground before Husk can reach it. "Nuh uh uh." Angel hummed, "No alcohol for you Whiskers, in your state it might as well kill you." Angel laughs a little bit with a playful teasing tone to his voice but actually genuinely worried for Husk's health. Husk let out a sigh.

"Alright, what do you need? Or did you just barge in on me to piss me off?" Husk groaned in his regular monotone voice slightly raspy from his sickness.

"Oh uhh-" Angel searched for something to say, he didn't need anything from Husk, but he hadn't come just to piss him off, he had come because he was worried about whether or not Husk was ok, but he couldn't tell him that, could he? "Nothin' Whiskers you just weren't at the bar 'n I was wondering where you were" He said like he did when he was acting hoping that it wasn't completely obvious.

"Uh uh" Husk nodded back, not convinced but not wanting to push Angel for information. "Well can you stop bothering me and lemme sleep" He whined burying himself back in his bed. Angel stood there. He didn't deserve to be sick and dealing with it alone, no one does, and it's not like Husk could be trusted to not treat alcohol as a medicine if left on his own. So Angel decided he would take care of Husk. "Alright, I'll be back soon" Angel said with a smile as he flicked off the light and shut the door to Husk's room still holding the booze bottle in his hand as he made his way down the hallway running as fast as he could. The shops closed in 15 minutes. He sprinted down the stairs and into the hotel's lobby and just before he could run to the door someone stood in front of him, it was none other than Alastor.

"EHH, WHAT THE FUCK YOU ASSHOLE" Angel yelled at Alastor.

"Why Hello there! Where might you be off to at a time like this I couldn't imagine many places to be open" Alastor asked him, his smile prominent on his face.

"Why the fuck do you needa' know? Ya' ain't my daddy Al" Angel complains to Alastor fully ready to punch the smile off his face to get out and go to the markets.

"Wouldn't a host like me want to know where their guests are going so late at night?" Alastor asked rhetorically, stepping to his side to let Angel pass, "But you may be on your way now." He held out his arm guiding Angel to the door of the hotel. Angel ignored Alastor's arm and grin and continued running down the streets of Pentagram City, now the markets closed in ten minutes. Angel sprinted up to the shops the gate half closed meaning he only had five minutes to get in and leave. He sprinted in and ran straight to the medicine section, he was grabbing medicine off the shelves in a frantic race against the closing gates as he ran down the aisles to the checkout he grabbed a few other things and made it to the empty checkout. "Well if no ones gonna serve me I'm goin' to just leave," he muttered running out of the empty store not paying for his shit, "It's fine we're in hell, all I stole were a few groceries" He told himself as he walked down the street swinging the bag walking up to the hotel. He pulled out his phone to check the time it read 9:27, he sighed but before he could turn off his screen again his wallpaper caught his eye. It was a picture of him, Niffty and Husk. He couldn't help but admire Husk in the photo, the way his eyebrows sat on his face, the way his wings were curled up and how they would flap out when he felt like someone needed protecting. All things that made Angel feel so in love with him. Angel paused outside the hotel, "No, ya' can't be in love with someone Angel, ya' only do hookups for Val, ya' could neva' actually fall in love," He paused and watched his phone wallpaper until it blacked out, "could ya?" He asked himself. It wasn't a normal feeling of friendship he felt with Husk, and he didn't blush for his friends yet he always blushed at the presence of Husk. He couldn't actually be in love, could he? His mind then lost its train of thought when the bag in his hands started to tear slightly. He quickly ran inside and set his things up at the bar, it wasn't like anyone was using it anyways, and it was the only real sanitary area he could use to cook. He ended up grabbing a bunch of cough medicine and headache relief from the shops, also a few tissue boxes and most importantly, ingredients to make his home remedy soup. He layed out the chicken oil and vegetables on the bar bench and started to cook up the soup on the bar. The hotel felt odd, but not necessarily in a bad way, it just felt empty with Husk not manning the bar and Charlie and Vaggie out on a date night, and Lucifer knows where Niffty and Alastor were off too. He ended up cooking for a while and when he finally finished he smiled at himself. It wasn't every day he got to take care of someone he cared about like this but it was always so important to him when he did, it was his way of showing he cared. He poured a portion of the soup into a bowl and he shoved the cough and headache relief into his pockets. He was about to make his way upstairs when he heard radio static from behind him.

"What do ya' want ya' Strawberry Pimp," Angel sighed, putting the two spare hands he had on his hips.  


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