Days Off- Chapter 4

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HELLO !! As always this is SFW and drink water + eat food my gremlin children.

CONTENT WARNING: Val, implied injury (from Val) and i guess that's it.

Angel froze up, his body feeling paralyzed. He just did that, he did that to Husk. What if Husk didn't feel the same way back to him? What if he just fucked up and jeopardized their entire friendship, all because of a silly little crush. Except it was more than a crush, Angel knew full well that he was down bad for Husk. Angel stood there for a few more moments trying to think about what to do, he couldn't just wake Hsk up from his peaceful slumber and start apologizing. "Wait he was asleep wasn't he?" Angel asked himself standing out in the hallway, "I could just play it off, act like nothin' had happened." Angel had come to his own conclusion that he was just going to act like nothing happened, he was going to see Husk tomorrow and try his best not to blush and freak out then and there, he was going to play it cool, for now he had to actually sleep. The next day Angel woke up super late, it wasn't completely unintentionally, he tried to wake up later in hopes of avoiding seeing Husk but he didn't expect to sleep in so late. Angel woke up and checked his phone, he read 13:07 and then stopped and stared at his lockscreen again an immense heat rising in his cheeks. Angel sighed before he got a notification from Val. SHIT, he was meant to be working today and he was meant to be on set 7 minutes ago.




Val: Angie sweety, where are you?


Angel was fucked, he knew how pissed Val could get and especially how distracted and tired Angel had been the past few days on set too. Valentino wasn't going to give him a good time. Angel rushed around his room trying to get ready before running out through the hallways and straight past Niffty in the lobby who was chasing after a bug with a needle almost tripping Angel as she ran in front of him. Angel could barely pay any attention to his surroundings, he NEEDED to get on set as soon as possible. Val already sounded pissed enough.

Angel sighed loudly as he walked into the Hazbin Hotel, his entire body was aching, on top off that Val didn't hold back on slapping Angel. He slumped into the bar stool not expecting Husk to greet him because he was still meant to be sick. "You look like shit" Husk quoted back to Angel from a few nights before a teasing tone to his voice. Angel didn't even realize that tears were forming in his eyes until Husk stopped chuckling to himself and asked, "Oh shit. Sorry Angel, are you okay?" Angel didn't want to explain anything to Husk, he just stood up, walked around the bar's counter and pulled Husk into a hug. Although Husk didn't do anything but hug him back it was still just so comforting, the warmth of Husk hugging him back, not asking questions but offering his comfort despite not knowing what the fuck was happening. Angel eventually pulled away from the hug when Husk started a coughing fit. "Whiskers are ya' still sick?" Angel asked a teasing tone to his voice as he brushed past Husk's wings and pushed him out of the bar. "I ain't sick I'm just coughing," Husk whined slightly offended by Angel pushing him out of his bar. "Mhhm, that's something a sick person would say. Sit." Angel said and Husk sat. "Really Angel I'm fine." Husk tried to explain but Angel wasn't letting him have it. "Kitty, ya' still sick 'n it's obvious as fuck." Angel explained, grinning as he tried to make Husk a drink. "Now this can't be so hard, can it?" Angel said, grabbing things with his hands. "If you poison me I will kill you." Husk said from the bar stool trying with everything he had left not to blush. Angel just laughed and tried to make a drink for Husk. Angel ended up just pouring a cup of cheap booze not knowing what Husk would like, he slid him the drink with a wink "Here ya' go Babycakes," Angel teased. Husk was gone from this nickname, his face was redder than his eyebrows. All Husk could do was look down at the drink Angel slided to him and try to hide his blush, "Thanks Legs, ya' know you didn't have to though." Husk thanked Angel and let out a deep breath as the heat in his cheeks disappeared. Husk took a few sips from the cup before placing his head on the bar counter and passing out. Angel placed his hand on Husk's head and started to run his fingers through Husk's fluff. "Oh Kitty if only you could see how fuckin' cute you are." Angel muttered to himself before walking past and picking up Husk bridal style and carrying him up to his room before placing him down on his bed. Angel tucked Husk in and pet his head one last time before switching the light off and shutting his door. Husk waited until he heard Angel's footsteps fade before getting up. NO WAY, NO WAY, NO WAY. At this point from the blush he could have been misinterpreted as a tomato, no way Angel actually just did that. 

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'M SO SORRY FOR THE TEENIEST BIT OF ANGST BUT I HOPE THE SCENE AFTER THAT MADE UP FOR IT. Anyways, drink water, eat food and shower or else i won't release the next chapter >:]]

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