Prologue- Heartburn.

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It's funny, how one of your happiest days.....can turn into one of your worst nightmares. How a single moment can in your life can lead to something that will stick with you die, and how the people you look up to.....can take away the one you care about most.

In the world there's multiple ways you can die, sickness, old age, suicide, etc, but what everyone fears most and what claims the most self combustion, no one knows where it started or how, suddenly people just started self combusting, turning into firey monsters.......known infernals.

"Tokyo, cyrens house".

It was a normal day like any other, the sun rose into the sky as light shown into the bedroom of a sleeping 14 year old boy, suddenly-


Loud sirens wailed from his alarm clock as his eyes shot open in shock.

Cyren- WHAT THE-

He fell out of bed and onto the floor before slowly picking himself up, he looked to his homemade alarm clock, it had flashing red sirens and a speaker connect to it.

Cyren- "groans" My one invention that dosen't explode and its the one I hate that i invented.

He slams his hand on the top of the clock as it stops, he yawns as he stretches his back.

Cyren- "yawn" Oh yeah, that's the spot.

He walked into the bathroom and brushed his teeth as he rubbed his eyes.



He rinsed off as walked downstairs, his mom, Tina, was cooking breakfast while his dad, kenzo, watched TV.

Cyren- Morning.

His dad turned in his chair and smiled.

Kenzo- And good morning to you birthday boy.

Cy just stared in shock before his brain finally woke up and he remembered-


He then looked at the table to see it packed with his favourite breakfast foods, bacon and eggs with melted cheese, chocolate chip pancakes, toast with butter, sausages, the whole 9 yards. He stares at the table as he drooled.

Cyren- mom, you made all this.

Tina- "giggles" oh not just me.

Cyren- Then wh-

Suddenly a pair arms wrap around his neck as he feels someone put their mouth next to his ear.

?- Happy birthday handsome.

Cyren turned around to come face to face with his girlfriend Aya, she had black hair with turquoise highlighted ends, black clothing and a black choker around her neck.

Cyren turned around to come face to face with his girlfriend Aya, she had black hair with turquoise highlighted ends, black clothing and a black choker around her neck

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