Chapter 1- Shinra kusakabe enlists.

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People die for all kinds of reasons, old age, suicide, sickness. Hrrmmm, I guess this could be considered a kind of terminal illness. In our world today, the number one most terrifying cause of death...

Is death by fire.

" A little earlier"

A train thundered down the tracks as it headed for its next stop, inside, everyone was just minding their own business, suddenly the announcers voice come on over the speakers.

Announcer- This trains next stop is at tabata station, amaterasu is operating at full efficiency.

A man was holding onto one of the ceiling rungs as he stared out the window. Suddenly, a small wisp of smoke blew out of the right corner of his mouth.

The woman behind him stared at up as she thought she heard the left side of the man's face suddenly became engulfed in flames, it took him a moment to register what was happening.

Man- guh, uh-



The man screamed in pain and fear as his entire head lit ablaze, the other passengers screamed as the train continued on as it headed for the station, smoke beginning to pour from inside.

" Train station"

A guy wearing black uniform is seen running down the street as he looked up to see the train go by overhead.

Shinra- Huff, huff, dang, it's already here.

He was about to run when small puffs of black smoke appeared from the back of his shoes as they sizzled.

Shinra- Oops, didn't mean to-

" Bam"

?- Eek.

He accidentally bumped into a girl as he was distracted with his shoes, causing the two to tumble to the ground.

Shinra- oh, excuse me, are you hurt?

He looked up to check on her....when a blush formed on his face due to thanks to the angle they fell at, he accidentally saw up her a nervous sharp toothed grin formed on his face. The girl instantly shot up as she looked at him, a blush form on her face as she stared at his grin.

Girl- eeeeeeehhhh-

Shinra-, I wasnt-


The girl ran off screaming, leaving Shinra standing there shock. A guy behind him walked up to him, noticing his grin.

Guy- you were that happy for a peek kid.

Shinra- THAT'S NOT WHY!!

The scene then cut to the train station as Shinra walked up to the platform groaning. He looked over to see people exiting the train.

Announcer- The train bound for Tokyo is now departing. The amaterasu is running normally today.

Shinra walked through the platform through the crowd, a guy suddenly bumped his shoulder.

Shinra- Oh, excuse me.

Shinra looked around as he let out a sigh.

Shinra- "mind" If I could just use my power, I wouldn't have to bother with the stupid train.

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