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Evelyn Miller house.

Sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, casting colorful confetti on the dust bunnies doing their morning ballet. But the real party was brewing inside Evelyn – today was the day her grandson, Adrian, was finally coming home after six long years. The last time she saw him, was at Mary's funeral. Seeing him so heartbroken, holding back tears with clenched fists, had left a permanent mark on her soul.

Adrian's father had reached out recently, offering updates on Adrian's studies there. Yet, he discreetly omitted any mention of his boxing pursuits, He dont want her to worry herself. Determined to ensure Adrian's comfort, Evelyn enlisted the help of workers to freshen up the room where he always stayed. Evelyn set out to create a batch of blueberry muffins for Adrian. As the aroma of baking filled the air, her thoughts were interrupted by the sweet sound of Meera's voice. "Granny." Evelyn's smile bloomed brighter than the afternoon sunbeams streaming through the window. Meera skipped into the kitchen, her eyes sparkling with mischief and a small package cradled in her arms. "Come in, come in, my dear!" Evelyn beckoned, wiping her hands on her apron. Meera, her smile infectious, walked over and presented the package with a flourish.Meera is wearing a cute sundress with cardigan.

"I made blueberry muffins, and you love them too, that's why I came," she said, her voice soft and melodic

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"I made blueberry muffins, and you love them too, that's why I came," she said, her voice soft and melodic. Meera enjoyed baking, finding solace and joy in the process. Whenever boredom crept in, her instinct led her to the kitchen, where she would whip up delightful treats. Today, a glimmer of hope nudged her to make those blueberry muffins. She knew Adrian loved them; it was a detail etched in her memory from his past visits. Evelyn's heart skipped a beat. The truth was, Meera hadn't planned on baking. But a whisper of hope, like a hidden ingredient, had nudged her towards the batter and oven. Now, holding the warm box.

"Oh, Meera, you shouldn't have!" Evelyn exclaimed, her voice filled with emotion. "But how thoughtful! They smell delicious." A shy smile stretched across Meera's lips as she mumbled a grateful, "Thank you, Granny." But her words seemed to catch in her throat, leaving unspoken emotions swirling in her eyes. Before Evelyn could delve deeper, Meera let out a startled gasp, her cheeks flushing pink.

"Oh my goodness, I completely forgot! I left something important back home," she stammered, her voice tripping over itself. With a hurried apology, she shot out of the kitchen, her footsteps echoing like the frantic rhythm of her racing heart. Evelyn chuckled, watching her hasty exit. Though Meera's reason for leaving might have been a little white lie, she couldn't help but feel a pang of understanding. With her quiet nature and observant eyes, Meera had likely picked up on the nervous energy swirling around the house in anticipation of Adrian's arrival. Maybe she needed a moment to collect herself and process the emotions swirling within her heart, She rushed to her home.

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