01 | sinister intent

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- chapter 1 -

 chase atlantic - drugs & money

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chase atlantic - drugs & money

I TRIED TO CALM my rapid heartbeat, gripping the safety bar of the ledge of the cruise ship. I placed my free hand on my chest as I hunched over the edge, peering down to the dark, treacherous waters. The fierce winds blew large waves into the ocean, they slowly rocked the boat with every collision. I watched as the ship's bottom rocked up and down, leaving a multitude of bright platinum oceanic bubbles, popping against the luxurious exterior. My blood rushed upwards, swarming my head.  I could hear it deep down in my eardrums, accompanying me with an unpleasant, and unearthly ring.

"Fuck, please calm - down.." I whispered to myself, my tone strained, throat raspy.

The cruise ship I was on was headed back to America after a month long trip of venturing the Caribbean Islands with my best friends, Ayla and Verena.

Though I was delighted to be able to visit my home island with the loves of my life, I could not express enjoyment or any form of appreciation, though we were set to be arriving in the US shortly, due to the great pain in my chest.

Anxiously, I took my glasses off, and placed them into my purse. An attempt to maybe allow my eyes to relax and ease any extra tension.

Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, rolling down my temples as I clutched my chest.  My whole world was spinning, turning upside down. I stumbled backwards onto the deck of the ship, moving away from the edge. I feared falling over the edge, for my life to end such in a dreadful way. Drowning, one of my biggest fears. I loved the ocean, but for the deep and dark depths to take me under, was the last thing I wanted. The calming noise of the waves clashing against eachother soothed me, but my heart refused to stop its rhythmic pounding.

This was not the first time my heart began to give out on me, but now I was seriously considering consulting a doctor, as soon as I made it back home. Usually, I was in relatively good health, but this was absurd. This was the third time in a span of only 2 weeks these attacks happened to me. Was it because I was homesick?

Shit, I'm in some serious fucking danger, aren't I..  I thought to myself, wondering if I had some genetic condition, or my body was just gradually deteriorating.

With shaky legs, I waddled my way back inside the cruise ship's comfort, seeking warmth from the agonising cold. My skin broke out in frigid goosebumps, my body was hot, yet I couldn't help but shiver, as if someone had dumped a bucket of ice on me.

I regained my balance, feeling my heart begin to slow down. I just needed to stretch my legs and let the blood flow. Sitting idly did me no good, but I had no other choice than to simply relax, and avoid working up a sweat. With no intention of getting sweaty, the most I could do was find a place to sit and drink something light.

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