003: Sure thing

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("Cuz this love is a sure thing" -Miguel)

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("Cuz this love is a sure thing" -Miguel)

Scott and Isaac ran into eachother then both fell onto the ground on their knees looking at eachother. Stiles and I look at eachother confused on what they were talking about.

Just as me and Stiles were about to go up to them we see Sheriff Stilinski and some other officers going up to them. I ran up to Isaac and dragged him by his arm running away from them.

"Aurora!" I hear Cooper yell at me as I keep running.

As I ran all the officers chased after us then I yelled at Isaac "I know what you are! Follow me and I can help!" I yell running into the school as he runs after me.

We made it inside the boys changerooms and I spoke up after not speaking for around a minute "Which one is your locker?" I ask him as he points to the one in the back.

I went to his locker and threw him his clothes as he looked at me furrowing my eyebrows "Change" I tell him as he slowly nods hesitantly taking off his shirt.

"Hurry up okay. We have like 4 minutes until they find us" I tell him and he spoke up "Are you going to turn around?" He ask and I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Relax its not like I havent seen a guy in underwear before" I say as he raised his eyebrows smirking at me, now I know what he ment. That dirty minded bitch.

"I have a twin brother who I used to share a room with, you need to go to church Isaac" I joke as he laughs and finally starts changing.

"How did you know what I am?" he ask as he finally puts on his jacket.

"I saw your eyes when you scolded me. They glowed and then I saw Scotts eye and they glowed like how yours did" I answer as he sits beside me.

"Why are you helping me? You've never even spoken to me before?" he ask as I sigh. To be honest I dont even know why too, maybe because Im so used to running from the cops its a reflex.

"Well I dont know but I always help people" I answer again as we hear doors opening then shutting "Their coming!" I whisper-yell at him as my eyes widen.

"You think I dont know that!?" he whisper-yells back at me as I roll my eyes, I grab his wrist and throw him into a locker but before I could hide into one, I saw a police officer walk to the door.

"Ohh. Hey officer, its a really nice day isnt it?" I ask him giving him an awkward smile then he barged through me, pushed me by my chest causing me to fall on the floor as he went inside the locker room.

"Dude!" I yell at him as I got up from the floor with the help to a seat next to me. I try and get them to leave but Sheriff Stilinski finds Isaac in the locker standing in an awkward position.

"Would you believe me if I said that somebody kidnapped me and threw me inside a locker?" he ask sarcastically while Sheriff Stilinski grabbed him by the colar and turned him around.

"Isaac Lahey you are under arrest. Anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law" He says as I watch him get his hands handcuffed.

They dragged him to a police car outside as I stood at the enterance of the school watching as they put him inside the car, Isaac looked back at me as I saw Scott come beside me but Isaac was still looking at me as they drove off "Fuck!" I yell startling Scott.


Derek, Stiles and I arrived at the Police Station, apperently Derek was the one who turned Isaac so he wants to get Isaac out before the full moon tonight.

"Okay. Now, the keys to every cell are in a password-protected lock-box in my father's office. The problem is getting past the front desk." Stiles spoke up as they went to my car window.

"I'll distract her." Derek says as Stiles and I laugh looking at eachother.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! You? You're not going in there." Stiles says lutting his hand on his chest as Derek eyes him up and down "...I'm taking my hand off." Stiles says slowly lowering his hand.

"I was exonerated." Derek says as I cross my arms and Stiles spoke up "You're still a person of interest." He says as I nod agreeing.

"An innocent person." Derek corrects him as I look at them confused, I scratch my chin then go to the front of the police stations door but not to close unless someone seeings me.

"What ste you doing!" Stiles and Derek whisper yells at me as they run after me.

"Guys, if we do this right now then we can rescue Isaac quicker" I tell them as they raise their eyebrows.

"Why do you care about Isaac Lahey so much? You talked to him like what... twice?" Derek ask, I cross my arms sassily before answering.

"First of all how do you know that, secondly if this was anyone else I would be doing the same, and thirdly Isaac is a really cool guy" I answer his wuestion "Can we go now?" I ask impatiently.

"Okay" Stiles says while Derek walks in.

As Defek flirts with the Officer Stiles rolls his eyes impatiently and so did I. We crouched down walking past them going unseen as Derek continued to flirt woth her.

As we look for the cell that Isaac is in we walkinv inti a police officer "Oh, uh, I was just looking, um... Oh, shit" Stiles says looking at a black syringe then pushes me "Rory run!" he yells but not to loud.

I try to run away but I see him going to inject the black liquid into Stiles so I take his baton from his belt and hit the officer in the leg. He groans then turns to me and wraps his hands tightly around my neck while I use my other hand to pull the emergency fire alarm, my hand finally touches it then when I pull it he gets startled and lets me go.

I fall on the floor of a cell room where I start to cough and Stiles pats my back. The police officer looks back at the cell seeing the door broken and wide open.

Randomly a tall figure runs upto his slaming his on the table then throws him to the wall as Stiles and I crawl to the wall opposite from them. I couldnt see what it was but the officer tried to inject him then failed, he slammed the officers head to the wall then turns to me and Stiles where I saw his face.

Isaac Lahey.

Derek steps on the syringe as Isaac comes up to us then Derek growls loud, Isaac gets frightened and runs up to a wall hiding his face.

"Isaac!" I say walking up to him kneeling down, rubbing his back "Be careful Aurora, he still might want to kill you" Derek spoke up as I back away.

"How did you do that?" Stiles ask breathlessly.

"I'm the Alpha." Derek smirks

August | Isaac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now