how it started ✨🎶

393 31 4

The Stars were hidden by the murky sky of August

*Gemini pov*
I was seeking some information about fourth nattawak my current partner in this project is it werid trying to know about him l mean l'm just trying to know about him as friend nothing more... actually not true l was really stalking this guy up in social media..and l can't find anything not gonna lie he is kinda attractive....aiii shiyaa Gemini come to sence u hate him... right..?


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I was in my thoughts when l heard the knocks on the door and l came back to sence*

Gemini: Oh phuwin what's up bro Why are u still here this late l thought u already left ? 🧐

Phuwin: l should be the one asking that why are u still working? Huh it's to late wait why does your face look kinda red ?

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Phuwin: l should be the one asking that why are u still working? Huh it's to late wait why does your face look kinda red ?

Gemini: h-huh w-what my f-face *shit did l blush just by seeing his Instagram post did l go insane no way!!!!!!*

Phuwin: Earth to Gemini dude are u hidding something?? Wait were u blushing oiii finally are u interested in someone l thought u were going to die single *phuwin said dramaticly*

Gemini: *done face* are u insulting me or something and no no l have no interest in fourth!!!!!! *Oh shit did l just say his name nooooooo why l'm so dumb 😭*

Phuwin: ohhhh his name fourth wait isn't he ? Umm the lawyer who is current the famous and never lost a case till now oh yeah l remember the senior gave u guys a case to solve right broo u seriously fall in love quickly u just saw him *speechless*

Gemini: WHAT NOOO !!! Stop teasing it was accident l was just seeing his Instagram and....*he quickly coverd his mouth*

*Phuwin started laugh 😂 and gave thumps up* ok ok l will not tease u more but seriously go for it if u like someone u should make move before it's to late

*Gemini blushs and said* noo l don't like him..l just wanted to know about him that's it nothing more

Phuwin: know about him l see where this is going *he said in teasing voice* fine fine has u say u should go it's to late

*Gemini nods and says goodbye to phuwin and walks to his car he was driving and thought to buy some cat food for lord jumu he stops at a convenience store,he opens the door has he stepped inside feeling warm he went to the cat food section and found the cat food it was the last one as he was going to grab it someone already took the last one he looked up their eyes locked feeling goosebumps he was lost until he heard voice*

*Unknown person*
Umm? Are u okay there werido?

*Gemini* oii who are u calling werido huh?

"U" said the unknown person

*Gemini* taken back l'm not werid u are ! Who wears black mask and hat are u a thief??!

*Gemini* taken back l'm not werid u are ! Who wears black mask and hat are u a thief??!

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The unknown person take his mask and hat revealing him face

Do l still look like theif *he said coming closer almost 10cm away making Gemini startled suddenly making his knees give up making him almost hit his butt on the cold ground but a firm hand wrapps around his waist bring him closer

Do l still look like theif *he said coming closer almost 10cm away making Gemini startled suddenly making his knees give up making him almost hit his butt on the cold ground but a firm hand wrapps around his waist bring him closer

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Well l think u are oppssesd with this theif *he said smirking*

*Gemini came back to sence and push him little seeing his face and shouts*

Fourth!!!!!??? *Making everyone in the store seeing them now even tho their is not so many people in the store

Fourth chuckles and says stop being loud or else....

Or else what huh ?! *Said Gemini kinda nervous*

"I will kiss till u drop*

Making Gemini speechless and his mind running with wild thoughts


Well...l don't know what l wrote 😭l know it's bad but l will try my best in next chapter so.. please don't be mad at me and thanks for reading please vote and comment and give me mores ideas so l can continue this story l'm sure u guys have more ideas then me and if their is any mistake tell me l will correct it..byeee every one 🎶🎵┏⁠(⁠^⁠0⁠^⁠)⁠┛

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