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Days passed by, and everything seemed to be normal in the household. But one night, as darkness blanketed the sky, the maids approached Daphne with a serious expression. They whispered something that made her heart race. "Daphne, you should come downstairs. Your parents are discussing something important"

Curiosity and a hint of apprehension filled Daphne's mind as she made her way downstairs. She could hear the muffled voices of her parents, their tones filled with concern. As she entered the room, she noticed Isla sitting on the couch, her arms crossed, and a storm brewing in her eyes.

Isla couldn't contain her frustration any longer. "I can't believe we left California just for this so-called twin sister of mine!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with bitterness. "It's like everything revolves around her now. What about me?"

Daphne's heart sank as she heard Isla's words. She had been trying so hard to fit in, to make this new family dynamic work, and now it felt like she was being rejected. She felt a lump forming in her throat, but she tried to keep her composure.

Their parents exchanged worried glances, realizing the tension between the sisters. "Isla, we understand that this has been a big adjustment for you," their mom said, her voice gentle yet firm. "But Daphne is a part of our family, and we need to make her feel welcome too. It doesn't mean we love you any less."

Isla's anger started to subside as their dad chimed in. "We know change can be hard, but we're here for both of you. We want to create a home where everyone feels loved and accepted. Let's find a way to make this work together."

As Isla listened to her parents' words, a mix of emotions swirled within her. She realized that her outburst had hurt Daphne, and that wasn't her intention. Maybe, just maybe, she needed to give this new family dynamic a chance. They were all in this together, after all.

Slowly, Isla's anger melted away, and she turned to Daphne with a sincere expression. "I'm sorry, Daphne. I didn't mean to make you feel rejected. Let's try to find a way to make this work, okay?"

Daphne's eyes softened, and she nodded. "I'm sorry too, Isla for barging into your life with no warning"she says and walks up to her room with no facial expression,she missed the village.

Even if Isla apologized,she knew deep down that she wouldn't sit well with her.

It was a bright sunny morning, Daphne felt unusually vibrant,she peers through the windows and sees the bussling and hussling of Benin city,a small smile wore it's way to her face revealing a cute deep dimple.

"Preety huh?"

Daphne suddenly turns and sees Isla still in her pajamas shining as ever more, Daphne didn't know how Isla did it,she always looks Divine even in the early morning.

"Yeah"Daphne replies as Isla walks to her bedside,she sits on her bed and stares at her for a while"I'm still sorry about what happened yesterday"she says and bites her lips.

"It's fine,I clearly understood how you felt"

"Tnxs,mum and dad said we are starting school soon"Isla says frowning.

Mum and dad?that sounds nice.

"Really"Daphne looks delighted but her face falls when she sees the look on isla's face"what's wrong?"

"I've never attended a Nigerian school, this whole place is new too me"Isla says in a low voice.

"Trust me,it's fun,you'll make amazing friends and to crown it up you are celeb"Daphne says and Isla smiles.

"Tnxs,let's have breakfast in my room"Isla says.

"Wait...do you know about anything that happened in the past"Daphne says"I mean why didn't we grow up together,we are twins aren't we? and why are we finding out about this now"

Isla looks puzzled"I still don't know why,I tried to ask mum and dad but they were very reluctant in speaking out"

They are both silent for a while before Isla breaks the silence"Let's have break fast in my room and then I'll give you something"

"What?"Daphne asks amused.

"You'll see"Isla says with a wink.

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