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     It's been three days now since Daphne got an iPhone from Isla,she couldn't get her eyes of the screen, this was the first time she owned a phone and it was very addicting.

    One of the maids Tola walks in on Daphne watching a movie,Tola smiles.

    "Miss Daphne what are you going to eat this afternoon"

    "Anything Daphne says still looking at the screen.

   Tola suddenly snatches the phone from her.

   "Hey! I was using that"

     "It's not good for the eyes"Tola says and Daphne rolls her eyes.

      "Yh, whatever"Daphne says and gets up.

     "Where's Isla?"Daphne asks.

      "She says she doesn't want to be disturbed,she's going live on Instagram"Tola says in a hushed voice.

     "Oh wow"Daphne says as she walks towards her closet"I think I'll take a walk,and before you say no,look outside,the street isn't busy it's a Sunday"

    Tola nods"alright,be back before five,so you will be agile enough for school tomorrow"

    School? Daphne almost forgot that they were starting schools the next-day.

    "Alright"Daphne says as she peers into a closet,she puts on a black hoody and a pleated cheque blue skirt.She packs her hair into a bun and apply some lip gloss and eyeliner.

    "All these for just taking a walk"Tola asks with one of her eye brow up.

    "Tola,I've never had this much clothes in my life,I'm just excited I want to try everything on"Daphne says and Tola laughs.

    "Well,get back before five"She says and walks out of her room.

    "You've said it before"Daphne says.

    "I heard that"Tola yells

    "You were meant to"Daphne says and laughs,she was very fond of Tola.

    Daphne shuts her eyes as the cool Sunday breeze brushes some strands of her hair to her face,she brushes it back.She starts walking down the street looking curiously at anything that would catch her interest.

Daphne strolls along the street, she came across a magnificent restaurant, followed by a school, a church, and rows of beautiful houses. The further she went, the more enchanted the street became. She felt a magnetic pull, as if something extraordinary was waiting just around the corner. Daphne always trusted her instincts, and they had never failed her before.

And then, right there on the pavement, she spotted a precious creature nestled among the fallen yellow leaves. It was a ginger and hairy dog, irresistibly cute. Daphne couldn't resist bending down and gently brushing its fur. She took one of her hair accessories and placed it on the dog's head, admiring its newfound charm.

Suddenly, a deep voice interrupted her moment. Daphne turned around, and there he was—a breathtakingly handsome guy. He seemed too good to be true, like a character from a foreign movie. He had a Nigerian look, yet there was something uniquely captivating about him, almost like a black American.

"Are you done?" he asked, his voice filled with a hint of impatience.

Daphne's heart sank. She hadn't realized that the dog belonged to him. Feeling embarrassed, she quickly placed the dog back on the ground, regretting her actions. He looked at her for a moment, his gaze piercing.

"I'm Daphne, by the way," she said, extending her hand for a handshake, but he didn't reciprocate.

Daphne couldn't help but feel foolish, as if she had made a mistake. She wondered how this encounter would impact her life and if there was any chance for a better connection between them."

    Daphne immediately walks away,she didn't there look back until she reached the mansion.

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