Meeting someone Special

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Rafayel let himself be carried by the waves, not caring about anything, only his body, floating and the water, his friend, talking to him in an overflowing current of unknown voices.

He could listen to some fish, complaining about having nothing to eat near a coral reef. Some predators were enjoying a hunt for a Human that fell from a Boat.

Following that voice, He tried to focus on that feeling, trying to discern it from all the other multiple voices that he kept listening to, trying to find the source. It was the first time that he would be able to 'see' the so-called atrocious Human being. He tried, tried, and tried to find it until he found a thin and alive threat, orange in color and so ferocious, of a white shark. He kept focusing on the thread, feeling it in his mind, tasting the blood on his tongue, smelling its iron smell in his nose, and feeling a tail so different from his own, driving towards, a very pale Human being. He could see it, splashing and fighting for his life, trying to swim into the board again. He could scream muted screams from above the water, muted by the water, telling the Human to swim faster, that a beast was coming for Him.

'How can I understand what it is saying?' Rafayel thought, enchanted by its voice, rough and ugly, so different from the Lemurian kind.

He was the shark, and the predator was about to attack again, opening wide its mouth, full of razor teeth, into the man's leg, closing its faucets, and bringing the man into the water.

When Rafayel tasted the blood, he coughed, disgusted at the metallic taste, so different from the seafood he used to eat at home. He repulsed that thread, wanting to leave that predator's conscience. Hurriedly, he came back to his senses and breathed a clean and salty breeze.

'That was... something new...' He talked to himself, still floating motionless in the vast and unmoving sea.

His brain told him that he should be surprised, He did so many unspeakable things in the last two hours compared to his whole existence underwater, protected, under the sea. But at the same time, He was not surprised. He always felt different than all the others, listening to voices nobody else could and feeling the tides, the flows, and the movements of the water like it was his being, not something external to himself.

As even tho he didn't know yet, the water would always be his domain and a part of himself, so, the understanding of it was attaching into a part of himself that he had not yet discovered but would, soon.

His ears, a little elongated in the tips,  picked some sounds, far away, like some scratching, sliding down the ground like monsters, voices intermixed with working sounds.

Fearful but excited, he stopped to float, bringing his tail down and hiding half of his head underwater, eyes searching for the source of the sound, until a distant, distant island, far away south. Lights could be seen, boats floating, out of service, as it was late at night.

He descended into the sea, swimming to the lights and sounds so different from its kingdom. His arma glided, swimming fast thanks to its tail, shiny under the moonlight. Maybe after ten or twelve minutes, he arrived close to a coral reef, and hidden under a rock, started to observe the town in front of him.

The lights that he saw were from some houses, near the port. Almost every ¿window? had its lights turned off, as people were working, but He could see that some lights were on, making a beautiful scenery full of darkness and warm light.

The scratching noises he heard were some kind of vehicles, being carried by some big animals with four legs, and shining manes under the moonlight.

'horses' a voice answered, coming from a waiting seagull, on top of a mast of a ship.

Love and Deepwater • A Rafayel storyWhere stories live. Discover now