Coral stone

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After the talk with Lukian, Rafayel got used to having someone who knew all about him. Everything was a lot easier, now that he didn't have to hide. When it was just Lukian and him, Rafayel no longer needed to conceal his true self. He disappeared and appeared when he pleased, talked about his life with someone he could trust,  his worries, insecurities, fears, or even about the matters of the heart; his non-existent but pining for Enoria, not-love life.

But these days, he felt a lot lighter, and more comfortable with his body, now that he didn't have to pretend to the older merman and could focus on having fun when saving Lemurian, feeling like playing a game of mouse and cats against the Humans who were tirelessly searching for him. The thrill of outwitting them, the adrenaline coursing through his veins when liberating his kin, seemed to add purpose to his existence.

Another pressing matter, as for the past few weeks, he had been struggling to make sense of the emotions he felt towards Enoria.
It was as if there were intense feelings residing in a small space, weighing heavily on his chest. Adding to his confusion, was the fact that Enoria's bond with him only registered colors of purple, which signified trust, and blue, which typically indicated worry, and sometimes black, indicating sadness. The warm hues of pink and red that typically meant deeper feelings, such as love and affection, were missing, leaving Rafayel unsure of how to proceed, grappled with this emotional puzzle, like a novice trying to understand ancient runes.

He, who didn't have any experience with love and women, was clueless about what to do to turn the bond all warm and fluffy.

In Lemuria, he just had to exist and

Despite this, he couldn't shake off the intensity of his emotions, growing each day, but he felt lost and uncertain about how to proceed. To feel lighter about this issue, he talked one night about his worries with Lukian, feeling a little bit vulnerable. He longed for clarity, for a path forward so he wanted to talk to the merman who knew him better than anyone else.

'Hey Lukian' He called, timidly. The merman knew that something sensible would be said, looking at the blush and the tone used to call his name, almost childlike and shy. Rafayel was really like an overgrown child, eager to grow up but afraid of doing so. "I—I need to talk."

'Hm?' The merman hummed, opening an eye, wise and patient, but still swimming around his tank, relaxed.

The silence stretched and Lukian smiled, knowingly.

'Yes, your Grace?' He asked, opening both of his eyes and swimming closer. 'Do you need assistance with something?'

Rafayel hesitated, then blurted out the question that weighed heavily on his heart.

'How to I make someone fall in love with me?' He asked, his voice small.

The silence hung between them, the water still as if holding its breath. Lukian's smile softened, and he leaned closer. 'Ah, love,' he mused. 'A delicate topic, my dear prince. It requires more than mere words or potions, It doesn't happen fast nor without effort or patience'

Rafayel's chest tightened.

'But how?' he pressed. 'Enoria... I feel something for her, something beyond friendship. Yet, our bond lacks the warmth of love.'

Lukian's eyes crinkled at the corners. 'Love,' he said, 'is like sunlight filtering through the ocean depths. It cannot be forced or hurried. It blooms when hearts align when vulnerability meets trust... To make someone fall in love,' Lukian whispered, 'be true to yourself. Show kindness, listen, and share your fears. Dive into the depths of their soul, and perhaps, just perhaps, love will find you.'

Lukian smiled kindly.

'When I was young and In love, I did present a coral stone to my beloved... as you know, they are used to make yourself clear of your intentions, of your love to your beloved' He advised, humming. 'If the person accepts it, they would be considered your bride to-be in Lemuria and well, in front of the God of the Sea'

Love and Deepwater • A Rafayel storyWhere stories live. Discover now