Sins Unveiled - Chapter 2

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The noise drew nearer, Ruby'ck and Zach assumed a lethal stance, poised for combat.

--Low Growls--

A grizzly bear, weighing approximately 351 kg , forcefully made its way through the trees and bushes, intent on hunting its prey.

"Well, Zach, looks like we've got quite the challenge on our hands! Think we can handle this one?" Ruby'ck remarked, her voice a mix of excitement and uncertainty, adrenaline coursing through her veins.

However, the bear would soon come to realize that it wasn't at the top of the food chain; instead, humans have consistently been one of the top predators.

Zach ran steadily and swiftly towards the bear leaving Ruby'ck amazed, leaping 13 feet into the air and landing on its back. With ease, he skillfully avoided the bear's attempt to swipe its claws at him. He held onto its back with a formidable grip, exerting an impressive force of more than 198 kg, all the while slashing at its back with a sharp sword.

The bear, weakened by the loss of too much blood, finally ceased its resistance against the continuous slashes on its back. It collapsed, barely breathing due to the substantial blood it had shed.

Purposefully easing his grip, Zach stood up from the bear's back, dismounting and seizing a final opportunity before delivering the decisive blow.

"Humanity has always reigned supreme in the food chain. We just underestimate our own capabilities," Zach muttered after delivering the final blow.

"Wow, that was incredible. I mean, look at the sheer size of that bear, and you cut through it like it weighed less than 300 kg!" exclaimed Ruby'ck.

Ruby'ck continued expressing her amazement and shock at how Zach had singlehandedly taken down the bear.

"This bear will make for a good breakfast. It was quite aggressive when it approached us. Considering it's still dawn, bears typically hunt around this time and must have caught our scent from miles away," Zach remarked.

"Wait, did you say something?" Ruby'ck shouted.

"Nothing important. Let's keep moving. Our hideout is just ahead."

Zach proceeded to carry the bear onto his back like it has it didn't weight over 300 kg.

"You're definitely a force of nature, just in human form," Ruby'ck commented, her face reflecting a mix of shock and admiration.

"Thanks," Zach replied, adjusting the bear's weight on his back. "But it's not just about strength. It's about understanding the environment, knowing when to act, and having the right tools for the job."

Ruby'ck nodded, her gaze thoughtful as she walked alongside Zach. "I suppose being a skilled hunter requires more than just brute force. It's about strategy, patience, and respect for the creatures you hunt."

"Exactly," Zach agreed, his steps steady despite the added weight. "And it's also about knowing when not to hunt. Sometimes, conservation is just as important as hunting for survival."

Ten minutes into their walk, they reached the Hideout nestled by the mines near the long, deep river in the Mountain Forest  where they currently resided. The strategic placement of patterns throughout the area facilitated the easy location of their hideout, forming a crucial part of their contingency plan against potential raids by humanity.

Zach's call echoed through the forest, and after a moment, Nert's head popped out from behind a nearby tree, his face half-covered in leaves and twigs.

"Oh, there you are, Nert," Zach said. "I almost mistook you for lking shrub."

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