✡ Tune ✡

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The meeting didn't go well....

You and Charlie went back home feeling down, but you were very upset they treated her that way.

They were angels! Weren't angels and heaven supposed to be kind and all that?

You opened the door for Charlie to the hotel and she entered, "So, how'd it go?" Angel spoke, leaning against the bar by husk, drinking liquor out of a bottle.

The blonde frowned, "they listened..."

Vaggie then came around a corner and sprinted excitedly to us, she grabbed her girlfriend's hands, "Charlie! I convinced Alastor to make us a new commercial and it's about to air!" She smiled.

Charlie's face lit up finally and nodded.

Once we all sat down, she turned on the TV to the channel it aired on.

"So.. you actually care about them?" You looked over to Alastor, who you were standing beside behind the couch.

"Hmm." He hummed and shrugged his shoulders, not exactly sure how to respond probably.

Groans of annoyance made your heads turn as you noticed the news station cut off your commercial.

Alastor laughed quietly at everyone's anger, you lightly smacked the side of him, making him shut up.

"Breaking news! Hells new extermination date has been cut down to 6 months! Do you know what that means tom?"

"No, what does it mean Katie?"

"It means we are all royaly fucked!"

The screen then cut to the extermination date changing from 365 days to 176. Everyone looked at Charlie in worry.

"What the hell did ya do? Convince them to give us less time!?" Angel complained in annoyance.

Charlie looked over at me, I gave her a reassuring nod and smile.

She took a breath before she began to explain everything to them.

After everyone in the hotel calmed down, you went over by the bar to get a drink from husk.

"You feelin' better after you and him made up?" The cat gestured towards Alastor as he wiped a cup, prepping it for your drink.

"Yeah, I do... It's just weird still. I feel like, I hated him for so long and we just understood each other so quick again.." you vented, taking a sip of the drink husk set down in front of you.

"Told you~ he has a thing just for you!" Angel came in out of no where, plopping beside you.

"Make me a drink, suga'~ and some extra spice~" Anthony flirted with husk.

He groaned and turned away annoyed, making angel the drink.

"I know, but, he hasn't really tried talking to me at all ever since we made up. I kinda wish things were back the way it was when we were first in love." You sighed, your head in your hands as you looked over at him.

Alastor probably sending some eyes on him since he looked over, making you quickly look away, a small blush on your face.

Suddenly you felt all nervous and butterfly-y in your stomach just like you had when you first looking at him in the living world.

"Haha, ya too cute y/n. Why you actin' like such a teenager right now?" Angel laughed, slinging his whole drink down his throat, sighing and setting it down.

"It's just..." You laughed nervously. "I feel like he watches or can like, read my mind sometimes.. or hear me right now even though he's far away-"

"Husker! My good sir, care to make me a drink? Not too strong though! Not trying to end up like Angel tonight!" He spoke right beside you but towards husk, making you jump slightly.

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