Chapter 85

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As King and Swayer Jr. grappled with the surreal nature of their circumstances, a conversation unfolded in the quietude of their shared space. King's thoughts meandered through the labyrinth of memories, attempting to make sense of the inexplicable.

"Babe, do you ever feel like you remember dying as an old man?" King's question hung in the air, a contemplative note in the symphony of uncertainty surrounding them.

Swayer Jr. furrowed his brow, his gaze meeting King's with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "Dying as an old man? That sounds like something out of a bizarre dream. But dreams are just dreams, right?"

King nodded, acknowledging the elusive nature of dreams. "I thought so too, but these memories – or whatever they are – feel so vivid. I remember growing old, feeling the weight of time, and then... darkness. But here we are, and it doesn't make sense."

Swayer Jr. traced circles on King's back, a comforting gesture to ease the disquiet in his lover's heart. "Maybe it's some kind of shared illusion, a trick played on us. But by who? And why?"

The room, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, seemed to hold secrets that eluded their understanding. As the minutes ticked away, King found himself caught between the echoes of a past that felt tangible and a present that defied logic.

"I keep wondering if Moon had a hand in this," King mused, his voice carrying a hint of suspicion. "Her darkness, her power – could she have manipulated our memories, made us believe in a reality that never existed?"

Swayer Jr.'s expression mirrored the ponderous thoughts swirling in his mind. "Moon does have a knack for weaving illusions and meddling with minds. But to alter our perception of life and death? That's a level of power we've never seen before."

Their contemplation wove a tapestry of uncertainty, with threads of speculation and fragments of shared memories. The city outside continued its nocturnal symphony, oblivious to the profound questions echoing within the room.

"I just want to understand, Swayer. Why are we here? Is this some cosmic joke, or is there a purpose behind all of this?" King's eyes searched Swayer Jr.'s for answers that remained elusive.

Swayer Jr. pressed a gentle kiss to King's forehead, his silent reassurance a testament to the bond they shared. "We'll figure it out, King. Maybe there's a reason we're here, a lesson to be learned or a destiny to fulfill. But one thing I know for certain – we'll face it together."

In the embrace of their shared vulnerability, King and Swayer Jr. found strength. The questions that lingered in the air were met with a united resolve to confront the unknown. As they lay entwined, their love became a sanctuary, a source of comfort in the face of the enigmatic forces that surrounded them.

The night continued its journey, and with each passing moment, King and Swayer Jr. delved deeper into the intricacies of their existence. Whether trapped in an elaborate illusion or traversing uncharted dimensions, their commitment to one another remained unwavering, a beacon guiding them through the mysteries that awaited. Swayer Jr.'s revelation hung in the air, a perplexing piece of the puzzle that added layers to their shared experience. In the quietude of their space, King and Swayer Jr. began to unravel the intricate threads of their seemingly interconnected deaths.

"I remember it vividly," Swayer Jr. began, his gaze fixed on a distant point as if searching the recesses of his memories. "I died first. It was... peaceful, strangely calm. Then, you followed. It was like a chain reaction. After you, Darren passed away because Seth had already died."

King absorbed the information, a cascade of emotions swirling within him. The revelation brought forth a complex mix of disbelief, curiosity, and an eerie sense of déjà vu. "So, our deaths were connected, a sequence of events that unfolded in a predetermined order. But why? And how did we end up here after experiencing that?"

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