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May 9, 1994

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May 9, 1994

The young girl's eyes snapped open to the chilling sound of screams tearing through the silence of the night. Heart pounding, she sat up in bed. Her senses on high alert. Before she could make sense of what was happening, her bedroom door burst open, revealing her older brother, his hands and clothes stained with blood, his eyes wild with desperation.

"Come on, we have to do it," he urged, his voice trembling with urgency.

Her mind reeled in shock and horror as she struggled to comprehend his words, "Do what?" she managed to stammer, her voice barely above a whisper.

He stepped closer, his gaze intense and unnerving. "We have to finish what we started. They're next." he said, his words dripping with malice.

Fear gripped her heart like icy fingers as she realised the gravity of the situation. Her brother, once her protector, now stood before her, a stranger consumed by darkness. She shook her head in disbelief, unable to fathom how things had escalated to this point.

"I can't," she whispered, tears welling in her eyes. "I won't."

But he was relentless, his pleas turning into threats as he tried to manipulate her into compliance. Her mind raced as she glanced at the window, desparately wondering if she could escape through it.

Her brother followed her gaze and the air began to crackle with tension as his rage boiled over, his fists clenched in fury.
In a fit of blind anger, he lunged forward, the glint of an already blood-soaked blade catching the dim light as it slashed through the air. The sickening sound of metal meeting flesh echoed in the room as the blade found it's mark, burying itself in her stomach.

Her gasp of pain was drowned out by her brother's enraged roar, his eyes blazing with an intensity that bordered on madness. "What happened to forever, Bella?" he spat, his voice laced with venom. "This is what happens to traitors! This is what happens to those who betray us!"

With a final, contemptuous glare, he ripped the blade from her body and stormed out of the room, leaving behind a trail of blood and shattered trust, the names "Lucas and Olivia" reverberated in his wake, a chilling reminder of the vendetta that had torn their family apart.

Alone and wounded, Isabella lay crumpled on the floor, agony coursing through her veins as she struggled to make sense of the betrayal that had just unfolded before her eyes. Tears mingled with blood as she clung to conciousness, her world spinning out of control.

But admist the pain and confusion, one thing remained clear: the bonds of her family had been shattered beyond repair, leaving behind nothing but fractured memories and the bitter taste of betrayal. And as darkness closed in around her, she whispered a silent prayer for escape, for a chance to rebuild what had been lost, and for the strength to face whatever lay ahead.


As the girl's conciousness gradually returned, she found herself in a room bathed in unfamiliar light. The sharp sting of pain in her stomach had dulled to a distant ache, and she cautiously sat up, taking in her surroundings with wary eyes. The room was sparse yet comforting, a stark contrast to the chaos she left behind.

Confusion clouded her thoughts as she tried to piece together what had happened. Where was she? And where was her brother?...

Before she could dwell on her questions, the door creaked open, and a woman entered the room, her presence gentle yet commanding. Beside her stood a young girl, her eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

The womans voice was warm as she spoke, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Good morning," she said, her tone reassuring. "I'm your new foster mother, and this is to be your foster sister, Hayley."

Foster sister? Foster mother? The words hung in the air, unfamiliar and unsettling. The girl's heart clenched with a mixture of longing and trepidation as she looked from the woman to the young girl beside her.

What the hell happened?

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