Chapter 22 : A Fragile Soul ♡

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They both stay like that hugging each other.

Then Edward pulls away from the hug and stare at Manjari! She looks so sad. She is looking so weak. He can see those tears which streamed down her face.

He grabs her face in between his hands and blinks at her in assurance. He leans closer and kiss her on the forehead.

He can feel her clutching his collar in her hand!

He then stares at her and places a finger on his lip, gesturing her to be quiet.

She looks confused, but he grabs her slowly and then they make out of the door. He finds his car and he carries her in his arms as she was dizzy and run.

He opens the door and lace her. She places her head on the window glass and he moves to the drivers seat. And Ed looks from the rarer mirror to check whether someone is following them or not.

As he sees no one, he just starts the car and drives. As he was driving, he glances to his side and sees Manjari sleeping peacefully.

Her hair looks messy but still she looks beautiful. He moves some of her hair from her face and moves his hand to her forehead and rub his finger on the cut

She slightly winces in pain. He gets startled and removes his hand. He then looks back at road and focus on his driving....

1 hour Ago....


Edward roses from his bed as sun hits his floor through the windows. He brushes, showers and wears his clothes.

He turns around and sees his mom still sleeping on the bed. He just goes to his mom and kisses her forehead.

"I'll find out where she is mom!!" He whispered softly seeing his mom's sleeping figure

He gets up and walks towards the door. As he opens the door he sees Yadav.

He was sweating. He looks like he's been running. He was breathing heavily.

Yadav then told him that he saw Stefan and Manjari on the road,  and stefan met with an accident, while he was repairing the car. He saw that a guy was taking her somewhere. He also told he followed that guy who was carrying Manjari!
He also told Ed that he knew where he took her.

Edwards POV;

I immediately went with him in my car. I was driving and when I reached, I got out of my car and slammed the door.

I ran.., I ran and came to hault, I study the place. The place looks pretty old and nobody could even come here. Merely no one would! I felt a pang in my heart when I thought of my LOVE, Manjari.

I have to save her!! what if i was too late?? What if I couldn't save her?? What if I lose her?? My thoughts were never ending. I just shook off those negative thoughts and moved to each and every corner to find a trace of her.

I kept moving and from my left I heard a glass smash and I ran fastly.

I can hear someone whimpering!! Omg!! Is it Manjari!!?

I keep running then i feel someone bump into me. When I lay my hand on the person I quickly realize that it's Manjari. She pulls away and covers her face with her palms, saying not to hurt her and let her go.

1946: Ek prem katha♡Where stories live. Discover now