The Horse Dairies:Cobalt part:2

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                                                       last time on The Horse Dairies

I said goodbye to Bell i knew she would miss then i picked up a gallop and then jumped over the small wall.

                                              chapter two: Back To Back


After i jumped over the wall my instincks tould me to go south becaouse i knew my herd goas south for the winter i went from a walk to a gallop very quickly while i was galloping i passes the stream that we stopped at then i saw my herd far far far far away so i cantered there. When i arived my mother was being ridin by Amma i whined so my mother and Amma would see me when i did my mother neighed and nujed Amma's foot Amma looked were i was on flew off my mother's back and flew her arms around me and scratched the spot that is always itchy she was the best at that my mother put her head around me and tould me "i missed you so much" that night my legs were so soar from galloping so much so i went to sleep very early. When i woke-up i herd banging and screaming and yelling i was so starteld so i canterd over there to see what was happening i saw Amma crying and her father screaming the man who took me said "how dare you steal my horse?!" her father said "i sware i did not steal Cobalt i was asleep!" then Amma stepped forword and said "stop it! My father would never still something Cobalt missed us so he wanted to see us i kep him here becauose i love him and i don't treat like durt!" every body looked suprised at Amma becouse she was such a quit child and was so shy but i liked how she stood up for her father it was brave of her to do that but it did not stop the big scary man from getting me Amma's father said "i am so sorry she just loves that horse so much i tell you what i will give you the horse of your choice and two sheep and 3 pigs for a piece offering" i was suprised of how much he would give this man he was mean and selfish then i relized that he was probely royal and ruled over the land then i understood why they would give him things but i didn't know why they have not moved to another villega were the king is much nicer and forgiving and NOT selfish and did not want every body's things but u had to deal with it. The king picked out for the horse of hi's choice....... me really? and then he got all of he's farm animals and left on he's big giant freisin stallion. Once we got back i saw Bell she looked sad and depressed and disapointed about me but when she saw me her face lit up with delight and the tolted over to me and put her neck over mine then the big man came with a huge wip and wipped us and he had a saddle?.......

chapter three will be coming soon!

hapter three will be coming soon!

The Horse Dairies: CobaltWhere stories live. Discover now