Chapter 1, ⁰⁰¹ - My escape is as clear as day.

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I woke up calmly. For the first time in a while, I woke up with silence greeting me like a handshake to heaven. But then I realized. I realized it all at that moment. And suddenly I don't feel so lucky as if I felt before.

The handcuffs they put on me were super tight. I wriggled my hands once, twice, Then the cop noticed me in the rearview mirror. "Boy, You ain't getting out of them cuffs. Not in a long time." He stared me down in the mirror, But he wasn't exactly glaring. His gaze was indifferent, Before he stared onto the highway.

Where are we going? I blinked wearily eyeing the scenery. Nothing but trees, some cars driving by, and a few overhead power lines. "Where are you taking me." I glanced at him from the backseat, slouching a little staring out the window. Well, Wherever we're going it's nowhere I can recognize.

"To jail of course, You don't got them cuffs on for nothing. You know what cha' did, But you know, Jail ain't as bad as they say in the media. I've been there once or twice." And then he went on ranting about old memories of when he was a child.

But I listened, None the less. After all, My end is coming closer. I will have to spend the rest of my life in that place, Might as well soak in any human interaction I can in the meanwhile.


I still have this fear gnawing on me even so. Like, something bad will happen when I'm gone. I already felt anxious immediately once I woke up, Thinking about what my little sister jihyo sees me as, Or what my mom and dad think about me now. Being in jail doesn't fear me as much as thinking about my family does, nowhere nohow. i'm gonna go nuts by the time this car ride is over.

I tightly closed my eyes, I hate myself for what I did. Fuck.

Now I am shackled inside an old, Dusty police car, A police car that probaly hasn't been cleaned since the day it was bought, And alone like I always felt I was. And well, I guess you can determine what happens next.

"When I was your age I went to jail a lot. I know, I shouldn't say this as a police officer now, I'm trusting you to not tell anyone, boy." He ranted again. Keeping his eyes on the everlasting highway.

I leaned my head against the cold window, watching a variety of trees pass by and occasionally spotting cars that look nice that drove past us. Neat, A mustang. My parents, Or parent was never wealthy enough to even buy a car.

We sat in the bus and cabs and taxis more than an actual car.

We were a lower class family, If you can even call it that. Just barely making it though sometimes. I was planning on getting a job. Before all this, To help them.

But look where I am now.

It's kind of ironic, And quite pathetic. I did graduate from college though, Shockingly but the problem happened very quickly when nobody would hire me. Eomma let me stay at her house alongside jihyo, Who is 12 years old. And it all transpired from there.

It went from sailing smoothly in the sea to drowning like a cat in water. And we all know cats and water never go well, For the most part.

I tried not to think of it. Them.

Think of what will happen to Eomma and jihyo while I'm gone. But I couldn't help my thoughts drift back to them every other second. There's only so much I can think of in a police car till I go back to square one and worry about my family.

I couldn't even say bye to jihyo. That was a curse in itself. I saw the way they, Or rather she stared at me as the officer directed me harshly into the backseat of the car. I saw the shock, The sadness, The tears slowly escaping jihyos eyes even if I was so far away at the moment.

I wanted to go back. I wanted to hug her and tell her everything will be okay, I bet she already has an idea it won't be okay by how much I've told her that. Even so, I wanted to hug her one last time.

My thoughts were jumbled, I didn't know what exactly I should think of at this moment, My family, The fact that I'm going to jail, Or the fact that I don't even know where we are.

Those were my top 3 worries at the moment. The officer was still rambling, The radio was turned on but barely loud enough to hear any music and talking coming from it.

I knocked on the window thing in the back, Trying to get his attention. He side glanced back at me before staring back on the road. "What do you want now?" His voice has a touch of amusement in it. Is he expecting me to burst out and cry? Is he expecting me to beg I didn't do it when I know I did?

"Where are we." I know I already asked that before, But I couldn't help repeating myself when I didn't get a good answer the first time. "Boy, I already told you. You're going to prison." I held onto the bars with irritation bubbling. Still, not a good enough answer.

I didn't bother to say anything else though, Even with anger slowly rising inside me I just didn't bother. I couldn't be bothered, rather. Life is already ending for me. I can't do anything else past this point, just accept my fate I suppose.

I heard a siren and a police car blaring behind us, Slowly coming closer as its siren increases. We watched as the police car and ambulance passed by us on the other side of the road in a quick haste.

"You don't have to worry about that, Just some crazy people going on a rampage down south, biting other people. Apparently it packs a punch." He chuckled. And for some reason I didn't like the sound of that. At all.

I mean... Hopefully it stays in the south. And hopefully, I don't encounter any of those crazy people going on a biting rampage inside prison either. That would be a huge pain in the ass to deal with. Especially if they are my inmate. Basically a death sentence at that point, Not that it already wasn't anyway. I chuckled at the absurdity of this situation.

"What's so funny, boy. I think the-" Wait, There's someone in the road.. "WATCH OUT" I screamed, But it was too late. He hit the person and blood got all over the window so he couldn't see anything. Holy shit. I just saw someone die infront of me.

The officer cursed and tried to take control of the situation, Directing the steering wheel from left and right but that just made the situation worse. The car slowly went off road, I couldn't see barely anything with the blood on the window.

"Agh fuck.." I hit my head on the ceiling of the car. We are tumbling down a hill, Or something, I was bouncing in the seat alongside him. I am barely conscious now because I keep hitting my head.

I think I'm bleeding now, I saw a few drops of blood drip onto the seat as I lean my head onto the front seat hazily. I'm sure the officer must be bleeding too, Maybe loosing consciousness also.

Before I could ponder our safety, I felt my eyes began to close uncontrollably. I slouch down and go slack slipping into a deep sleep as I faintly hear moaning until it all turned black.


(Yes this was inspired off the TWD game..😔 If it wasn't already obvious)

( Also I'ma put a jisung pic up there every chapter bc I have so many😩)

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