Chapter 1, ⁰⁰⁵ - I'm not alone now, But how long will that really last?

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I stand there in silence because of that bomb she just dropped on me, I don't know what she's talking about but I have a good ass idea on what it is. She doesn't say anything more though, Just stands there in front of me almost awkwardly clearly her mind was elsewhere.

"You alright?" I say, I know the dangers of getting too deep into your own thoughts. I'm sure her thoughts aren't good ones based on what she just said. "I'm fine." She answered gruffly but I didn't believe her. Let's be real, Anyone who says they're fine aren't actually fine and dandy. But I didn't push the topic any longer, Mainly because there are more important things at hand.

"Soohee!! Get over here!" A man screams in the distance and he sounded so distraught, I almost forgot about what was going on unbelievably so. I think I was too deep in wonderland to realize what the fuck was happening.

But the girl must be soohee. Her eyes widened and she swiftly took her gun out of its holster then ran to the house. "Stay there!" She yells at me then disappears into the house.

I don't think I should actually stay, Something bad is gonna happen soon I can tell. Am I really gonna take the risk of fucking out and finding out?? I shuddered as the chilly air plastered itself on me like cement. Well, I need to find a jacket before I leave.

Before I could though I heard slurred, Unintelligible sounds coming from that same house that sounded faintly like sobs. It sounded like depression was coming very soon for these people, I pressed my lips in a tight line.

Why am I just standing here? Why don't I just leave?

I still need help, I remind myself. Since that girl soohee experienced the same problem I wanna try to get information from her. Have the hospitals really been overrun? Just about how many people were dealing with the same problem we have? Clearly too many.

"Eomma, N-no..." I heard a girl screech inside that house again, The screaming was so painful to hear. And it gave me chills at how desperate and devastated the girl sounded just then. It reminded me of things I don't wanna remember, And it reminded me that losing someone is probably one of the worst pains one could earn themselves. I've never dealt with it before personally but I had a dream of it happening, The dream was so vivid and I never forgot it since.

I stare insistently at the open door to the house, Seeing an empty void of darkness staring back. It's gone eerily silent and I continue to stare hoping to god I don't see one of those cannibals sauntering out of the there. With what I've witnessed earlier, You never know. I get quite nervous with the trepidation of knowing anything can pop out of that house.

I hear loud stomps inching closer and closer to the door before the girl– Soohee pops out of the house, I'm still nervous even with that acknowledgement. Because she's storming towards me with anger riding off her like waves as if I just murdered somebody. Like I did the unspeakable, and the only forgiving thing I will get is a sacrifice to the heavens because of the sins I've done.

I see other people speed walking out of the house following the girl all with upside down faces. The girl pushes me real hard, And i stumble a bit. What the fuck??  I wanted to say. She looks furious and exhausted with pain quite similar to how I feel. "YOU FUCKING – ASSHOLE. WHY DID YOU KILL HER??!" What?

That's when it hits me, She thinks I killed that woman. She points the gun closer, As close as she could to my head as her hand trembles and her face twitched with fury. Fat tears are falling down her face.

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