Skills? Sign me up!

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Right when I was about to go to bed I hear another "Ping!" It's my quirk again so I have to check it out. I toss on my pajamas and sit on my bed opening up the hologram. I read off the notification or whatever it is, "You have gained enough shards for a new feature, Would you like to spend 1000 shards on Skill's?". I think and obviously say yes because all the stuff I have gotten from saying yes was great so why not again.

"Cha-Ching!" it makes a cash register sound as I watch my shards slowly dwindle to zero. A fourth tab appears on my hologram and I tap it and read off it's information. "Skill's are acquired through acquiring ultimate, For instance your time halt will now be turned into a skill called Time manipulation and you will still be able to stop time, But if you use it enough, It levels up and allows you to make a upgrade to it. (Example: Izuku uses halt enough, He can add a thing to it that lets him speed himself up through time, while other's are slow). "That's awesome I cant wait to try this out tomorrow at school training!"

(They don't have dorms yet) I wake up, Do whatever I do to do look innocent and stuff and head out the door for school. I always use telekinesis to boost my flight speed, But right when I did that my  hologram opened up and told me I have acquired the Speedy flight skill allowing me to boost my flight speed by 10x it's normal speed for only 5 second's. That's still really good though because I think ill be flying faster than it can count. There is a 10 minute restriction on the skill but that's fine it's still really broken, "Besides that I want to try it" I say grinning not knowing that I'm about to break the sound barrier.

(Also I want to address the flight skill it's overly broken yes I know, But it's a mobility skill so you can't hurt someone while using it keep that in mind, I can't have him be to broken now can I?) I activate the skill midair but nothing happens, Oh yeah I need to fly first duh I say boosting myself. "HOOOOLLLLLY SHIIIITTTT" I scream not being able to keep up with the speed and ultimately giving the soft dirty grassy ground a nice big smooch. I get up aching from the pain then using recovery to heal myself, "Wow that's a huge crater I feel bad for whoever lives here" I mumble looking up to see I landed on UA's lawn. 

I see a rat walk up to me, Only it isn't a rat it's my principal. Oh god I sure fucked up this time I'm in some deep shit now for sure I think as I see him walking up to me. "Izuku Midoriya what happened here?" He ask's not even showing any emotion whatsoever creepy. "Well uh I unlocked a new part of my quirk but I was not ready for the power it had" I say stuttering. "Oh really well then all is forgiven, I can have this fixed in no time as long as you put that to good use in training it's ok." He say's staring into my soul with his beady black eyes. 'Uhhh ok" I say running into UA.

I run up 7 flight of stairs to get to 1-A, Do they really need this big of a building I think as I subconsciously gasp for air. I walk through the door to see only a few people there. I head over to my seat and sit down ready for the day, First came math UGH why did they put math in the morning. Second came English, I hated English but mic made it less hard on us so I learned a thing or to. Then came history, Why do they even teach us what already happened? It's bullshit. Then finally my favorite class, Hero studies.

Right when we all sat in our seats for hero studies, A huge buff man charged through the door screaming "I AM HERE LIKE A NORMAL PERSON". That is anything but normal I think, Everyone stars fanboying and fangirling over all might but I don't. I realized a long time ago that I will become my own hero and not stand around and fanboy, At least as much as I can. "Today you will be training with me All might, And who isn't a hero in training without their hero costume? Once you put them on meet me in the beta grounds" He shouts as he presses a button on the remote he's holding that came from god knows where, Multiple briefcases were ejected from a shelf that had our names on it. 

I take mine and head the locker room changing into mine. I updated it from normal clothes to everything resistant clothes. Fire resistance, wind, water anything you can think of they did it. And on top of all of that, They look like totally normal clothes! So once I debut no one will suspect I am a hero. We all walk over to the beta grounds in our freshly new hero costumes, Once we got there we all waited for what All might was going to say, If you ask why we were waiting it's because he was looking at a notebook mumbling something about "Damn being a teacher is difficult what is this time schedule?" 

"AHEM, Ok I have decided that each of you will duel each other, Each one of you will be assigned to a team, Villains and hero. 2 participants on each team, I will decide on your team by random from picking and paper from this box without looking. This will take place inside of a building since that's where the most evil things are done, Trafficking, Drug deal's you name it. Ok now everyone come over here and I will decide on your team's." He shout's what is it with him and shouting like c'mon? I think to myself as I walk up to him and a he draw's my team from the lot. "Izuku Midoriya you are on team 5, You are paired with Shoto Todoroki on the hero's team. You will go against Tokoyami and Katsuki Bakugou" Oh come on! I shout hating the fact I have to go against the Pomeranian, anger issue having ass.

Whew that was a lot more writing than I expected, 1100 words? That sure is a achievement for me. I got the idea of skills from donjoaquin2, Everyone give a round of aplause for him, Yessir. Anyways this is only part one I might or might not upload the other part later today so yeah bye :3

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