Dragon x Reader

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"Bring the sacrifice!"

My ears rang painfully. My breathing became laboured. Rough hands dragged me closer to a small cage and the men pushed me inside violently, with no regard for my wellbeing.

Around me villagers screamed obscenities and prayers, cheering on the men that had trapped me. I felt tears sting in my tired eyes.

I was nothing but a sacrifice. A piece of meat to be offered. My hands trembled, no, my whole body was shaking as I was paralyzed by fear. My mind still couldn't comprehend how I had found myself in this situation.

Our village was small and relied in the yearly production of crops to survive. We only had the necessities to survive, but no one complained. That was until the beast came. Heartless and cruel, it destroyed the fields with its firey breath, burning everything down to ashes. The village was left with nothing.

The second week it came for our houses. The village Elders desperately tried to find a solution, yet even after offering the beast our highest gifts its wrath didn't cease.

A sacrifice would have to be made to satisfy its hunger. And I had been chosen.

Bent over inside my cage I ran my hands through my hair in desperation. I knew the fate that awaited me. The dragon would surely devour me, or burn me alive if it so pleased.

Tears ran down my face as my small cage was thrown onto a carriage. Suddenly mongst the yelling, I could make out my mother's voice pleading and crying.

"Mother!" I cried as loud as I could.

Yet the crowd's cheering became louder, drowning her screams. The carriage began to move, sealing my fate.


We had been travelling in silence for many hours. Our destination; the dragon's lair. With my demise getting closer and closer all I could think about was my poor mother left behind. How would she make it without anyone in the world? How would she live without my care?

My thoughts were cut off by the carriage coming to an abrupt stop. I froze.

I was dragged out of the cage by the same men, my arms and legs tied tightly together.

"Hurry up!" I heard them yell as they pushed me towards an unfamiliar valley. And then I saw it.

Between rocks, a huge opening laid out revealing a deep cave. I didn't have time to react as the men pushed me to my knees. I cried as my skin was pierced by the sharp rocks, my legs begging to bleed. Above me darkness loomed.

"Please! You don't have to do this!" I begged but my pleads were ignored. The men didn't answer but instead got onto the carriage.

I sobbed as the sound of the horses galloping echoed in my ears, getting further and further away. My heart began to race inside my chest.

They were leaving me to die. And worse of all at the claws of a merciless monster.

And then I heard it. Low growling came from the darkness, making my blood run cold. Instantly my weeping ceased.

I didn't want to look as the ground below me vibrated. With each step the monster took I could feel my end approaching.

"The stench of a human is always nauseating..."

My breath was caught in my throat as a deep voice boomed over me, yet I didn't dare peel my eyes off the ground.

"What a pitiful creature."

The voice was full of disdain now.

"Look at me, human," it growled, sending shivers down my spine. "Unless you want to meet your end sooner than I have planned for you."

At its words I took a shaky breath, forcing my head to lift. The sight was terrifying.

Its scales were dark, covering its body like a hard armour. Beady eyes met my teary ones. Its mouth was open, exposing sharp teeth that glistened in the moonlight, making me tremble.

Perhaps it would be a good time to beg, but my voice wouldn't come out. Instead all that was heard was a weak whimper.

Cruel laughter filled my ears.

"A human sacrifice? How amusing, and foolish. A mere human wouldn't be able to satisfy my hunger."

The monster slithered closer to me, inhaling deeply.

"So they sent a maiden to save themselves, those fools," it growled lowly. It's beady eyes ran over my body before it let out a deep groan.

"Why are you shivering, little mouse? Do not fear, I do not intend to waste your life so easily. No, there are uses to you."

I couldn't stop the tears running down my face at its words. I couldn't even have a honorable death, the beast planned to torture me before letting me meet my end.

I gasped as I felt something cold wrap around me and lift me up in the air. The beast's tail tightened around my body.

"Dry those tears now, human. There is much to be done."

The monster's evil cackling was the last thing I heard before it pulled me into the darkness.

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