Dragon x Reader Part 2

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Smut warning!

The cave had a musty and thick smell to it, making me scrunch my nose. I trembled as the large beast carried me inside the darkness, feeling as if I was about to pass out. I feared for my life. What cruel fate awaited me?

Suddenly I was thrown onto something soft and fluffy. I opened my eyes to see I no longer was in a dark cave but on top of a comfortable pile of animal furs. Around me torches lit up the cave, casting shadows along its rocky walls.

"Stay here and don't you dare move, human. I don't want you getting lost in my caves," the beast above me growled and I gulped, nodding immediately. It hadn't tried to eat me yet, and I was grateful for that. A slither of hope shined inside my heart. Perhaps I could be saved?

As it disappeared out of the cave I couldn't help but lay back into the warm furs, feeling exhaustion wash over me. I closed my eyes and soon I was soundly asleep.


I awoke with a feeling that someone was watching me. Instantly the hazinesss of sleep left my body and I was again nervous and rigid, looking around for any possible threats.

"So you're finally awake, little mouse."

A voice from the corner of the cave made me flinch and snap my head towards its direction. From the shadows appeared a tall man, wearing only a cloth around his waist. Looking at him I could tell he was not human. His skin was an ashy shade of grey, some parts of it covered by dark scales. From his back sprouted large wings and at the end of his fingers were abnormally sharp claws. Surprisingly, however his beastly appearence, he had a handsome face with a defined jawline. His hair was long and braided, running down his bare back.

"Who are you?" I asked with a trembling voice. I felt as if I recognized him, as if I had heard him before.

The man chuckled and stepped forward. "I am Loaxes, the owner of this cave and your new master."

My eyes widened and brought a hand to my mouth, realizing who was the creature in front of me.

"You're the beast!" I exclaimed, my voice echoing around the cave walls.

"It seems that you are not so foolish after all," the man mused, his eyes glinting with interest. "Don't you worry, my sweet, I plan to make good use of you."

The man approached me and I found myself cowering. His words didn't seem to ease my nerves at all.

Loaxes reached and caressed my face with his clawed hand, leaning down towards me. "It's been so long since I've touched a creature like you... so fragile and delicate. You are quite a beauty."

His words brought colour to my face and I found myself blushing and confused. Despite everything, I didn't dare move away. I didn't want to make him mad.

The man frowned and tilted my head up, placing his claws on my chin. "You don't have to look like a scared animal, human. I don't wish to harm you. On the contrary..."

He slowly grinned, before pushing me down on the furs. "Listen carefully, human. Your own kind abandoned you and left you at my mercy. You have nothing anymore, other than me. However I'll give you a choice. Become mine and your days here will be your happiest. Refuse and I will make sure you suffer before you meet your end."

I felt a sting in my heart. This monster was cruel, but he was right. I had been abandoned and left to die by the ones that raised me. There was nothing left for me. And I would be a fool to choose to suffer willingly.

"I accept your proposal," I spoke as clearly as I could, finding courage. "I don't want to die."

A pleased smile formed onto the man's face. "Then you will be rewarded with pleasure."

In a moment his lips were against mine, kissing me hungrily with his hands gripping my body tight. I expected it to be rough and coarse, yet a pleasant warmth began to wash over my body.

Suddenly nothing else mattered and I found myself kissing Loaxes back, melting into his gentle embrace.

"What an obedient pet you are," he hummed lowly, placing soft kisses along my neck. His hands moved to tug on my dress and soon I was naked below him, squirming as he kissed me fervently, slowly moving lower to my breasts.

"You're beautiful," he growled, squeezing my breasts into his hands and kissing them. My breathing became harder as he continued sliding down my body. I pressed my thighs together and sighed softly, watching him.

There was something so gentle and loving about his touch that made me melt under him. Even if he was a beast, a fierce predator, he still could treat me so lovingly.

"I can't wait to take you," Loaxes growled in my ear, making me shiver. His clawed hands parted my thighs and I found myself growing wetter from his touch.

"Please, be gentle," I pleaded quietly as I felt him position his member over my opening. My heart raced in anticipation.

"Sweet human, don't fret. I will take good care of you," the beast hummed lowly. Slowly, he thrust forward and I let out a cry of both pain and pleasure.

He was larger and thicker than a human male, ravaging my insides in a slow pace. With each thrust, Loaxes ĺet out low hums of pleasure, his dark eyes focused on mine.

Soon what remained of the pain was gone and as the beast moved, I couldn't help but moan in bliss.

I closed my eyes, hearing Loaxes chuckle in amusement, focusing on the rhythm of his thrusts that continuously became faster and faster. Soon he was thrusting inside me with full force, growling in pleasure and hitting a spot deep inside me that made me squeal.

We both panted hard, chasing our climax and as I hit my limit I felt Loaxes go still with a deep groan.

His seed spilled inside me, filling me to the brim with his warmth.


Hours after our lovemaking, I still laid in Loaxes's arms. His embrace lulled me into a soundless sleep. Perhaps my fate had not been sealed yet.

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