chapter 2

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Georgie awoke from an uncomfortable night of sleep. Player had woken him up. They said it was time for breakfast. He sighed and got ready. He took a mental note of everything he had seen so far. His dreams were slowly becoming more distorted and terrifying. They kept luring him in, showing a happy ending where everything worked itself out just fine. 

He thought about the different creatures he had seen. The ink Penny monster. The dinosaur with sharp claws. The tentacle pig alien from that movie his father had taken him to as a toddler. But as the nights went on, they seemed more distorted. And inky. 

Every other member of the safe place was in the cafeteria, waiting for Zizzy to serve them food. Everyone got along so well. Zee sat quietly next to Pony as Zuzy and Mimi argued about the amount of oatmeal the young zebra was eating. Zizzy tried to come to an agreement, but Zuzy refused. Everyone got together so well, despite the playful arguing. Georgie struggled to find his place in all of this. Everyone had a job to do, a role to play. But what was his? He seemed to get the group into more trouble than he got them out of. Then, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey kiddo. Want a waffle?"

It was Player. They were like Georgie's mentor after he had lost his family. They filled the role well.

"Hm? O-Oh, yeah, thanks."

As Giraffy handed out plates to everyone, he gave Georgie a glance that seemed to warn the piglet 'I didn't forget last night'. He tried to avoid eye contact. That damn giraffe would definitely snitch on him to Zizzy if he needed to save his own hide. He was too focused on coming up with some sort of excuse to avoid talking about his nightmares, he didn't notice the conversation among the adults. 

"So Mimi, anything planned for today? We could use more supplies. I'd also like to get out a bit."

The mole looked over at him, almost in disbelief.

"Pony, why the hell would you wanna go out there in all of this!? Besides, we're fine."

"No, we do need a few things. We're running out of water. The old pump near the mall is still working, I think."

"Player, that's a hotspot for monsters. I'm not saying you can't take them, but we shouldn't put you at risk. You're vital to this group."

"What if they went with Zizzy to get the water? That way they're protected and we still get water."

Now it was Zizzy's turn to be annoyed.

"Why are you volunteering me to do that? I'm not gonna go out there unless we absolutely have to."

"You're the strongest fighter in this group. And we're 8 people living in one abandoned hotel. We need all the water we can get."

Pony spoke up, which made Zee slunch back. She hated feeling closed in. She hated when everyone argued with one another. It's like being stuck here with these people have made them all slowly hate each other.

"You're not taking Zizzy out if she doesn't want to!"

"Oh shut up, I'm a capable person. You don't have to 'protect' me. Yknow what? Sure. I'll go with you, Player."

"You're gonna risk your life just to be petty?  Really?"

The arguing goes on and on, and the kids don't know what to do. Zuzy takes this opportunity to get more oatmeal without anyone noticing. Georgie got closer to the player for comfort, which they gave by placing a hand on the piglet's shoulder. But, Zee was nowhere to be seen. She must've wondered off when the argument started.

Georgie got up from the table, put his plate away, and wandered around the safe place trying to find Zee. She wasn't in her room. She wasn't in the laundry room where she hid because she liked the smell of it here. He walked into the community room where Mimi kept an old broken radio she insisted she could get working again. He walked around the corner, hoping to take the elevator to the top floor. He could use a nap. But then, the door opened. 

Zee closed the door behind her and pulled a velvet bag out of her pocket. She lit a few candles and turned the lights out. She did a few motions with her hands, and a small purple portal opened in front of her.

"Hello there, Zee."

She signed into the portal. Most of the members of the safe place know basic ASL so they can communicate with her. Georgie understood some of what she was communicating by hiding around the corner and peering over at the interaction.

'I need help.'

The voice in the portal understood what she meant. His voice became softer as he spoke to this child like it was his own.

"What's troubling you? You know I'm here to help."

'Zizzy and Player are going out to the city today. I'm worried about them.'

"Well, it's nice that you're so worried about them. You're such a caring person. But Zizzy's an adult. So is Player. They're strong, and they can defend themselves if something comes their way."

Zee stayed silent and wiped her eyes. The voice sighs.

"Oh, Zee... you're worried this is going to end like your parents. Aren't you?"

The young zebra slowly nodded. A gloved hand reaches out of the portal, promising to comfort her. She took the hand and entered. The purple portal closed, leaving Georgie standing alone in the dark room. He stepped over the candles and turned the lights on. He couldn't stop staring at the small summoning ritual his friend had set up. Where did she go? Who was that gloved hand? Georgie's mind raced with thoughts as he left the room and ran upstairs. He wanted answers. 

Maybe Pony could help. He seemed to know a lot about Zee and her sisters. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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