Chapter 1: The Drake-Up

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Drew's POV

"Whatever, I'm done with you. Have a nice life..."


I walked away realizing what I just said. I couldn't bare to see Jake's face. I could feel my eyes filling up with tears threatening to fall. I could see everyone in the halls looking at like some circus freak. I hid myself in the hoodie so I couldn't see them, knowing they would all still stare. I walked as fast as I could but it felt like time was slowing down around me. I kept walking, wishing for Jake to run to me and stop me, but of course he's too occupied with his little blueberry best friend, or could be girlfriend? I walked quicker and quicker knowing that tears had begun to fall down my face and onto my hoodie. 

I finally made it to the bathroom after what felt like forever running through the halls. I locked myself in the furthest stall and cried. I cried harder than I've ever cried before. Maybe it was because of how loud I was or maybe it was just a coincidence but someone came into the bathroom. I couldn't figure out who it was at first but I peeped through the crack in the door to see short blond hair with a peach fade and instantly knew who it was. I tried to stop crying but I couldn't. No matter how hard I tried, the tears just kept coming.

"Hey, this is Jake, are you okay you sound extremely sad?" Jake asked worryingly

"I-I'm *sniffle* f-f-fine *sniffle*." I replied knowing that there was no way that would convince him

"You sure don't sound okay, You wanna talk about it?" Jake said

"Are you sure, I don't think you like me." I said trying to hold in the tears while talking

"It doesn't matter who you are, You need someone to talk to. Come on out I won't care who you are. I promise." Jake said

I promise. I promise, I promise. His words kept repeating in my head. He'd also promised to pick us over that stupid club. I still couldn't stop myself. Jake always made me feel better. Ever since we met on his first day at daycare. I unlocked the stall and stepped out to see Jake standing by the sinks in front of the stalls. 

"Drew..." Jake practically whispered

He ran to me and hugged me so tightly but let go so quickly. He backed away to the sink again after he hugged me. I was confused about this, Jake's always the one that won't let me go when I tell him to get off. 

"S-sorry, I know you don't like when people hug you. I know you probably hate me doing it more now." Jake assumed 

"No" I accidentally let out

Jake heard me and I knew it. He was looking at the floor but his head popped up when I spoke. I raised my head up to look at him, his eyes shining looking hopeful. He opened his arms to ask me if I wanted a hug. I immediately ran into his arms and hugged him as tight as I could. I was trying not to cry onto his jacket but I couldn't hold it in. I could feel him playing with my hair, it was calming. 

"So what's the problem Drew?" Jake said without breaking the hug

"Drew? You never call me Drew." I questioned him as I broke the hug with Jake's hands still around my waist

"Well after that fight I didn't think you'd want me calling you 'Re Re'" Jake said 

I could see the sadness in his eyes when he brought up the fight.

"I always want you calling me 'Re Re' no matter whats going on. That clear Sterling?" I said sassy trying to get him to laugh which worked. He giggled 

"Yes sir, but seriously what's wrong." Jake asked, concerned

"Well I thought it was because of the fight but I think it was just that I didn't want to lose you. You're my best friend Jake, I couldn't lose you." I said the tears now streaming down my face again.

Jake pulled in again for a hug. I immediately hugged back, now crying on Jake's jacket. He played with my hair again as I cried he whispered in my ear that everything will be okay and that he was there and there was nothing to worry about. After about 10 minutes of me crying I finally stopped. I pulled away from Jake's warm feel. He put his hand on my cheek and wiped the final little tears. We knew we were way too late to go to class so we decided to skip the period in the stall. 

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Tell me if your liking it so far and if you saw the post on my conversations when I was asking for suggestions and snowie and pixie hellped and your thinking this is nothing like that just wait. I have a hard time writing angst so I didn't want to make the first chapter really hard to write. 

Word Count: 778 

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