Chapter 2: Back Then

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Jakes POV

After we hugged and Drew talked about what was wrong we realized how late we were gonna be and decided to skip class. We quickly hid in the stall where I had found Drew. We were just kind of standing there in silence for a few minutes. It wasn't really awkward but I felt like I was just staring at Drew, admiring him. His soft magenta hair slightly covering the top of his face, his big deep brown eyes that I could get lost in, his smile that could light up the whole world-WAIT JAKE WHAT ARE YOU THINKING! You're thinking about him like you have a crush on him or something. I don't have a crush on him... right? 

"Hey Jake, do you remember when we were younger and had just met?" Drew asked seeming nostalgic

"I mean it's hard to remember since I was 4 but, yeah mostly. Why do you ask?" I replied curious about why he was thinking about when we were little

"Well I was just thinking about our friendship and it brought me back to when we were little. Before you dyed your hair peach and got all muscle-y. When I had my light brown hair and HORRIBLE fashion sense." Drew giggled as he admitted it

"Hey, at least it wasn't as bad as mine. I was wearing overalls. OVERALLS! Out of every piece of clothing in my closet I chose OVERALLS?" I complained

"But you looked so cute with the little tiger on your ass" Drew replied mockingly

"STOP NOOO" I said remembering exactly what he was talking about

Drew laughed and it gave me butterflies. He looked so cute when he laughed, he always looked cute but somehow it got better when he was laughing and smiling.

"No but seriously you looked so cute as a kid, I looked emo." Drew said laughing and cringing at the memories

"You know when you came up to me I thought I was about to get bullied by some emo but soft  boy." I said laughing

"STOP! I looked so weird! I had hair partially covering my eye and wore black hoodies but would wear jean shorts with lace on the ends and had light brown hair." Drew added 


3rd Person POV

Jake was sitting on a bench all alone eating his sandwich. It was his first day at the daycare after him, his mom, and his baby brother had to move since his mom and dad got a divorce. His brother was only a few months old and him only 4. Drew saw him sitting alone and went over. 

"Hey, I'm Drew! I saw you sitting here alone so I wanted to know if you wanted to be friends?" Drew asked

"Oh, yeah sure! My name's Jake by the way." Jake replied

"Oooo, whad ya get for lunch?" Drew asked with a mouthful of applesauce. He was a very talkative person around people he liked and even then he knew him and Jake were gonna be very close

"PB &J, an apple, kool-aid, and animal crackers. What about you?" Jake answered back

"Applesauce, crackers, a ham and cheese sandwich, and leftover fruit punch from this weird party they threw for their anOversAree." Drew said mispronouncing Anniversary


"Huh? Was that?" Jake said confused

"I dunno. But they had a lot of people there." Drew replied to the confused boy

They sat and ate together while talking about random things. When they both got done eating they went over to the playground and played Hide and Seek taking turns hiding and seeking. Drew was popular even then so he knew other kids so when they wanted to play different games they would go play with them. They would play Telephone and Tag a lot with the other kids. Sometimes when they didn't want to play with the other kids they would just sit and talk with each other. They had always were very close, whenever Drew had problems he would tell Jake and he would comfort him. 

Drew came over to Jake's house a lot because even when he was little his parent's didn't care where he was. Since Drew had a little brother and sister he knew how to help take care of Milo. Jake would always be so shocked in how easily he could put Milo to sleep or how he calmed him down with his presence. Jake and Drew would go and play in his room. They would normally play board games or sleep, they didn't really care they just liked being with each other.

~~~~~✨END OF FLASHBACK✨~~~~~

Jakes POV

"I miss those days. Us hanging out daily, not caring what we were doing just not wanting to be separated." Drew said with his head hanging down

"You always hang out with those Music Frea- The Music Club." Drew said pouting, head still hanging down

"Hey," I said lifting up his head 

I could see a small blush across his face, probably just from embarrassment I thought as he turned his head away

"You wanna come over to my house after school? We can do whatever you want." I said hoping he would say yes

I could see his eyes light up as he turned back to look at me. I felt my face heating up as he looked into my eyes. I could look in his deep chocolate eyes forever and forget the world. Then he smiled. I could feel my face getting warmer and warmer, I turned away so he couldn't see how red I was. His smile made my heart skip a beat, I loved this feeling. I couldn't help but smile myself, Drew could always make me feel better just by being there ever since that first day at daycare. I looked back at Drew waiting fro his response, this had probably only been a few seconds but to me it felt like I had been thinking about him for like 10 minutes.

"Yeah! I can't wait! It's been forever since I came over and saw Milo and your mom." Drew replied grinning ear to ear

Oh his smile, his smiled made me so happy. Drew could just start talking about anything and I would be happy, just to be around him-WAIT Jake you're doing it again. Do I like him? Would he like me? No Jake, you like Hailey... right? 

Me and Drew started talking about random things until the bell rang. (A/N IDK MAKE IT UP) We made the school put all of our classes together since we were best friends and right now was one of the times I was glad about it. We went to his locker to get his and my stuff, oh yeah our lockers are also right next to each others again because we made the school get us everything together. We walked to the class talking and I was slightly blushing just looking at Drew. We made it to Science and took our seats next to each other.

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Word Count: 1166

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