Chapter Ten: In Invite to Dinner.

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Isabella quickly learned that Jakobe's warning of working with a sore backside, was very much true, and he was more than right. She quickly regretted her choice in the tight and snug jeans she had put on tonight. It was almost like they were locking in that warmth, and sting on her backside. As she had left Mrs. Simmons office, after a much needed cry, her face was just as warm as her backside as a few of her co-workers sent her knowing looks. However, to their credit they did not bring up what happened, even Ameko just gave her a pat on the shoulder before they began their shift once more. At first it was hard to walk as brushing up against anything sent waves of pain running up her backside, reminding her of her earlier chastisement Yet, Isabella but that feeling of pain on the back burner, as a need to prove herself to Mrs. Simmons had taken over her mind and body. So despite the pain in her rump, Isabella moved like she was a girl on a mission. She ran drinks and food to people like she had a rocket strapped to her back. Anything that she could do to help this busy Thursday night she did without a second thought. From mopping up a few spills, to taking back dishes for her co-workers so they could stay on the floor longer. She even went behind the bar and made one of the three drinks that Alice had first thought of her. She wanted to prove that it was not a mistake and that she was just the woman for the job. She would make up for being late today, and show Mrs. Simmons that she would make up for that with hard work.

Isabella wiped a hand across her sweat filled forehead before reaching over to grab the tray that held, two baskets of wings, a nice looking catfish dinner. However, before she could, Alice grabbed her hand. "Nope," she said, softly. "You need to sit down for a second and catch your breath."

"I need to-"

"Isabella," Alice firmly. "Please just take a breath, okay, you have been doing really good tonight, however if you keep going at this pace you are gonna be exhausted." Alice guided Isabella into the hallway that led to the locker room, and returned a moment later with two glasses of water.

"T-Thank you," she had to admit that she had no idea how thirsty she was until Alice had brought those glasses of water for them. It felt like heaven across her dry tongue.

"There you go," Alice praised as she leaned up beside her. "I know why you are doing this."

"What do you mean?"

"I know why you are working this hard." Alice explained. "You think you need to prove something to Mrs. Simmons for what happened earlier today. It happens to the best of us."

"Being late and getting your ass spanked?"

Alice laughed a bit at that but shook her head. "I mean wanting to work so hard that we nearly pass out, we think we have to make it up to Mama Tati, and that is not the case. She knows that we are sorry, all is forgiven and most important, you are okay with her. She is not mad anymore."

"It felt more like she was disappointed." Isabella admitted.

"I know that feeling and I promise you she is not." Alice remarked. "It's hard working for someone that you later see as a mom away from your mom. You never want to let your mom down." Alice seemed to notice that Isabella's face turned a bit sadder at the mention of that. "Did something happen between you and your mom?"

Isabella shook her head. "No nothing really..." She changed the subject. "I am sorry if I worried you this afternoon."

Alice shook her head a few times, "It is okay, I assumed that something happened but I had a feeling that you didn't quit on us."

"How mad was Mrs. Simmons when she found out why I was so late?" Isabella asked.

"Well from what I remember her saying when she came into the locker room before service started." Alice cleared her voice a bit before doing a pretty good impression of the older woman. "When you see Isabella Shields, send her right to my office! Tell her to drop her stuff and come right to me, am I understood?!" Alice laughed for a moment as Isabella's face turned a bit pink. "So yeah, she was pretty upset over whatever reason you gave. And we all knew what was gonna happen next. What happened today anyway?"

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