Chapter 20: A King's Apartment.

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"Um Ms. Jayla." Isabella spoke up timidly as the woman beat on the door with a closed fist. "Don't you think that this might disrupt the neighbors?" They were currently on the top floor of this absolutely massive apartment complex. The receptionist let her, and Jayla in as soon as the older woman explained who they were. The inside was just as beautiful as the outside, dark shades of color sprung about the front lobby. An expensive taste in furniture, another set of doors led to an outdoor area. The walls leading to Jakobe's room had cream colored walls, and a black and white carpet that was in a design like pattern. Pretty nice to look at while they walked down here. Isabella was both excited to see where her employee called home, a bit nervous too. However, over the last five minutes that nervousness, and excitement, had turned into fear. Fear of what might happen when Jakobe answered the door... and fear that he might murder his little sister who seemed to have no issue banging on it like she was the police.

"There are only three other people that live on this floor." Jayla explained, "All who are probably enjoying themselves rather than sit in their apartments pouting like a little boy!" She directed those last words towards the door moving from a closed fist to the flat of her hand to knock. "Jakobe, Jakobe! I know you are in there, get over here and answer the fucking door before I kick it in." When that didn't work, she went to hitting the doorbell over, and over again filling the air with the annoying chime. "I will sit out here all fucking day, Jakobe Bradley. Don't make me start screaming your first name!"

"First name?"

"Jakobe is his middle name," Jayla explained.

Isabella could make out what sounded like very loud, and very angry footsteps coming from the otherside of the door. "Um, Jayla maybe you should back-" She didn't get a chance to finish her statement as a few locks could be heard being unlocked and moved. The door came flying open, and standing in front of them was her boss, Jakobe.

"Have you lost your Goddamn mind!" The bass in his voice made her knee shakes, those dark eyes staring down at his little sister. He was wearing a pair of red shorts, a white tank top that some called a wife beater, showing off his very large and strong arms. Alice was right he was not 6 '5 but rather 6' 7, he was like a tiger showing its power after someone had entered his territory. "Banging on my fucking door like your the police!"

"I was about to call the police if you keep annoying me, you big bastard!" Jayla placed her fists on her waist, and stared up at the taller man. If she was afraid of the power coming off him then he did not show it. "Made me come all the way over here looking for you, you're too damn big to be doing this bullshit!"

"I can't enjoy an evening to myself?!"

"You never enjoy being by yourself, you stubborn bastard!"

"WHo the fuck are you calling a bastard, you irritating little bi-" His eyes had looked away from Jayla for a split second, and locked onto Isabella. As soon as they did he came to an abrupt stop. His shoulders sagged a bit more, almost as if he was making himself look smaller, less powerful. "I-Isabella what are you doing here?" He asked, a lot of that dark bass leaving his voice, the Jakobe she had known since she had started working at the Crimson Hide having returned. Though even he could not hide the bashful look in his eyes, probably from her hearing him curse angrily. "I hope my precious little sister didn't bring you all the way over here against your free will. Cause if she did we can always call the police right now, and get this-"

Jayla interrupted. "Oh please call the police on me for being a good little sister to her annoying ass brother." Jayla stepped forward a bit more, pushing her way past the man and into his apartment. "Let me see what you have been doing in this apartment, probably got a load of fucking strippers and hoes in here right?"

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