ONE; there was money in your laugh

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nothing else i could do - ella jane
▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|• 0:01

in which, a certain drivers celebrity
crush has no idea who he is

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"mel! get up now or i'm knocking this door down!" melissa's band mate mckenna yelled in to the girl after pounding on the door. melissa let out a large grumble from her mouth as she kept her head on the soft pillow in the hotel room, ready to cry at the thought of getting up.

"that's not a sufficient response! i need to see you up! we're meant to be ready to go by now!" mckenna hammered on the adjoining room door yet again.

melissa let out a frustrated sigh as she gave in, forcing herself to sit up and get out of bed. she marched over to the door and swung it open to see a smiling mckenna beaming up at her.

"good morning!" she said in a cheerful voice. how the dark haired girl always had so much energy in the morning was beyond melissa's mind.

"was all that banging really necessary?" melissa asked, keeping her expression blank.

"you tell me." mckenna quirked a brow. "i've been trying to get you up for ages."

"i honestly didn't hear anything until twenty seconds ago." melissa told her, and it was the truth. she couldn't lie to mckenna as easy as the other girls.

the pair had known each other since the first day of college and immediately clicked. it often confused melissa how easily and quickly they became friends, giving that they were quite the opposite from each other. melissa had a habit of always looking on the darker side of things where mckenna was a complete optimist. but their friendship just made sense.

"hmm, sure." mckenna said, unconvinced. she sailed into the girls room without a thought but melissa didn't try to stop her either. "we've been here two days and your room is this messy! how do you even do it?"

mckenna began pulling clothes off the ground and throwing them onto the bed. "seriously mel, have you even picked out what you're going to wear today?"

"i have this blue suit...?" melissa took the two piece out of the wardrobe on the hanger.

mckenna face dropped, "you can't wear navy into the ferrari garage!"

melissa groaned as she hung her outfit back up. mckenna was the fashionable one of them. she was so naturally good at media and press and always managed to look good effortlessly.

truth was, melissa envied her. she grew up wanting to be a musician but the press was draining. she felt as if she was always saying the wrong things and never doing enough.

"earth to melissa!" mckenna clicked her fingers infront of the girls face, sneaking her back into reality.

"right yeah." melissa coughed, trying to cover up the panic that was going on in her mind about this weekend. "what am i going to wear?"

mckenna clicked her tongue as she flicked through the girl's wardrobe, studying each piece quickly before moving on to the next.

"ah-ha." she smiled in victory as she pulled out a short white dress with a low neck.

"i don't know how that got in there..." melissa shook her head as she widened her eyes. "no way am i wearing that!"

"oh yeah you are." mckenna nodded. "you're assistant must've dropped it in there, and thank god she did!"

Too Sweet For Me || Daniel Ricciardo* ²Where stories live. Discover now