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________Author's POV________

Shaheer and Emira went inside their room as Shaheer prepared their bed whereas Emira brought snack to munch on. They both sat side by side. Emira started the series from the first episode skipping faster in order to make Shaheer understand the story in less account of time. After a while they properly started watching together. Its was now past 3am but Emira was not in the mood of sleeping while shaheer as organized person, is habitual of sleeping early. "don't mind me but I am sleepy. Can we sleep now" she turned towards him and said "ok". She started to placing things backk to their places and shut the tv off. Shaheer walked out of the bathroom and sat on the dressing as Emira was rearranging the sheets. After sh3 was done shaheer plopped on the bed signing. Emira came on her side of the bed and started doing her skincare. Shaheer was waitingg was her to join the bed, she was almost done but. Shaheer suddenly pulled her by her waist towards himself making her lay on the bed close beside him. "you're making me wait wifey" Emira just laid there with his hand on her waist side hugging her.
She saw him already sleep after 10 min. After alot of internal screams she also fell asleep. Continuous Knocking on the door, made shaheer open his eyes a bit, only to find his wife hugging him close to herself. Anither knock banged through the door making her open her eyes she immediately turned on her back im order to increase some distance but unfortunately she fell on the ground making him jolt up to check. "ouch" "are you fine"
He asked. She just nodded, he helped her get up from the floor and made his way to the room door. The door flung open, his mother came to his sight saying "it's 12 already. Come downstairs to have lunch" he nodded. "is she ok? " his mother asked regarding her. " yes i am, i am sorry we were watching tv last night that's why we slept this late" she explained while his mother came near her cupping her face "you don't have to apologize i was just making sure if you are healthy. You know my son is cold, who knows if he is taking care of you or not" "mom you don't have to say that" Shaheer said nagging. "no he is taking care of me" emira said with a smile. "that's good now come down you both must be hungry"

*Time skip*

"That never happened you are lying" Ahmed said "wow after kicking me you pretend not to know anything" aliza said in disbelieve "ya you don't care abiut my respect, what will my new sister think about me" "that Ahmed is so cruel just because i ate his chocolate he kicked his precious sister " aliza said dramatically. "ahahahha" you burst into laughters on their bickering. "stop already you both are so noisy" Shaheer said irritatedly. The lunch went amazing, sharing talks with aliza and mom while Ahmed kept on irritating everyone.

It was now evening when Shaheer went outside to meet Hamis who came to meet him. Its was Sunday so everyone was at home, aliza and i were cutting fruits when Shaheer came inside. "why did he not come inside" asked mom zenab. "oho what is that han. Chocolates" Ahmed said getting up who was lying his head on mom's lap. "yes this is the wedding gift so not for you" Shaheer said, "com on few won't make a big difference." he said coming near shaheer in order to take the chocolates, before shaheer could say anything aliza already snatched the box from shaheers hand and went towards the table "no aliza" Shaheer said shouting. Right when the box was half way opened, Ahmed again snatched the box. Shaheet tried taking a hold on the box but both of them were so into the bickering that they didn't listen to anyone. On one hand emira was still cutting the fruits watching them fight as if there life was dependent on it, mom was trying to say something but it was too slow to understand in the chaos of the siblings and lastly it was shahher who was continuously saying "no guys just leave this one I will bring more for you, the exact same one please leave this" but no one was listening to him the snatching kept on going when the box flew towards the couch in the feets, and all the chocolates no condoms flew in the air, making Shaheers eyes go widen. There was a silent pause among us, that's when aliza and i understood that these weren't chocolates. I turned my face again towards the dish of fruits quickly picking up everything and walking out of the situation. Shaheer rubbed his forehead looking at the floor which was now messed. Aliza too walked out of the lounge."tch tch tch " zenab said looking at her sons. While ahmed started laughing his lungs out. Shaheer sat down picking up every thing putting them back into the box when zenab also walked out of the room."shut up and help me"shaheer said when ahmed didn't stop laughing. Ahmed sat down and said "strawberry flavor huhhh" ahmed said wiggling his brows in a naughty way. Shaheer slap the back of his head "btw hamis bhai really got you the best gift"

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