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__________POV emira_________

I saw blood on his shirt. Blood was my childhood fear, i had a phobia of blood. My eyes shivered, he looked down towards his shirt "oh it's noth--" i didn't wait for him to complete, i moved his shirt up till his chest revealing a knife cut. I thought the worst, a bullet wound. Thankfully it wasn't. I looked up at him when he grabbed my wrist telling me to calm down, that when i knew i wasn't breathing, i took a deep breath moving towards the bed holding his hand. "hey listen I am all good, its nothing just a cut" i stopped to look at him "it will be fine I'll apply some--" he said trying to move away in order to apply ointment but stopped after receiving my silent glare. "a- ok" with that i made him sit on the bed, fetching the 1st aid box. I took out the ointment and bandage silently, while he stare at me. "lay down" i said, he did what i said. I climbed the bed sitting beside him, i uncovered his wound analyzing if its deep, i signed in relief. I started to treat him, gently cleansing the wound with antiseptic solution, i looked up at him makimg sure i was gentle enough not to give pain anyhow then applying ointment then gauze following up with the bandage securing it with the tape on his upper waist. The whole time he was just staring at me without makimg any sound, it felt like he is a statue. I was then packing the things back when i felt his hand snaking between my hair and cheeks caressing them sofly, i looked at him "don't stay silent, you can shout on me, show your anger but don't stay quiet it hurts. I'll tell you everything, everything you wanna know but say something" his hand went to my nape, when my eyes started to gather tears. I was afraid, seeing blood moreover his blood, that's how i am if i am sad or angry i don't say anything i just go on my shut down mode, shutting all the ways of talking. I bit my bottom lips in orfer to control, i can't understand what feeling this is. Was i over reacting? But that's how i am. More tears pooled up in my eyes when Shaheer pulled my over his chest engulfing me in a hug. My tears fell down to his shirtt making it wet, i sniffed in his neck while he hugged me tighter from my nape while the other went to my waist holding me close. "shhh don't, don't cry i told you to shout on me or even beat me. I deserve it haina. But don't shed your tears lik3 this i can't bear this. Come on stop" i held his face giving a kiss on his cheeks "i was already scared for you. And this happened, it must be hurting right but how did you even get this huh " i said pulling up still holding his cheeks while tears were flowing down. "no it's not hurting i promise its not noww please stop crying " he said while wiping my tears. "i just went to help hamis, someone was following him for 3 days. He just wanted to get rid of him " "he should have called police why involving my husband into the mess. Is he ok? " "according to you, he is hurt a bit, but according to me he is fine" i made an angry pout
And again laid on his chest facing him, i love it when he touch me, when he say things which make heart boom boom, i love to be adorned by him. He was caressing my back while I was patting my fingers on his harf chest. He looked at me, and gave a kiss on my forehead. "don't tell anyone in the house they will get worried for nothing" "how can you call it nothing , someone must have hit your head hard. " i said sitting up again. "change your shirt, lets sleep its getting late " "yeah also have to go to office " he said getting up. I went to the closet bringing a shirt for him, "here, also you're not going tomorrow" "im so sorry darling but have a really important meeting tomorrow" he said removing his shirt revealing his toned body "ok then right after i wake up i am telling everything to mom" "wow seriously" he said stopping his movement "now my wifey is gonna blackmail me huh " "hm. I'll" i said putting everything in the aid box. He suddenly pulled me by my wrist making me fall on his shirtless body. My eyes widened "you will regret it little wifey" "leav- arg" he started tickling me making me jerk towards my back. I fall on the bed while he hovers above me making sure not to hurt, keeping his weight on his palms sitting on his four still tickling while i tried to grab his arm to stop him. He stop after few more, the room quiet down after the shriek of laughters. He stared at me while i stared at him "keep smiling like this, i love to see you smiling " he said caressing my side waist. "keep making me" i said. The closeness was intimidating, he look at my lips, leaning forward. I close my eyes, my heart beating faster knowing what is coming next. He lean more into me pressing his lips on mine gently, he peck my lips, and backed a little. I open my eyes, losing the warmth of his lips. "may I" urfggghh such a gentleman. I nodded and attaching my lips to his kissing him, he sucked my lower lips making me suck his hand went towards his head caressing his milky hair. He groaned puling me more closer than i was, making my soft chest smash into his hard one. We continued to kiss each other with love for other 2 mins when i tapped his shoulder indicating that i am breathless now, finally for the 1st time my desire of being breathless apart from running by someone is fulfilled. We parted, catching up on our breath, he open his eyes joining our foreheads, he slides down a bit to my neck putting his weight on me groaning, "ahhhh mira" i tilt my neck giving him more access while caressing his back. "mirahhh what are you doing to me" i just smiled listening to him. "i think we should sleep" i said after few moments. He hummed in response snuggling more into my neck. He was sleeping, and here i was laying under him smiling like a fooll. After some moments of blushing, i drifted into my dreamland, in the arms of my hubby.

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